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clayburg indicator

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  • clayburg indicator

    I read about this indicator ( clayburg ddf) and it works good. Can anyone make this indicator so you can put in the time you want it to start. I trade forex and this indicator starts at 12 am but i trade the 8am market. Maybe you could put a value box where you want the time your market starts. thanks

  • #2
    clayburg ddf

    the indicator wasnt attach . Here it is.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      DDF Mess1

      This was my first attempt at an efs, that was not a wizard.
      There are a couple of bugs I have found in this first attempt.

      This new one has a typo fixed for the uptrend, down trend determination. There is a fix for the opening value, if you are not using a 5 minute bar.

      Adding time selection is well beyond my skill.
      However you maybe able to set your time template to start at
      the time you want and it should determine the first 5 min and
      hour from there.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Version for assistance?


        Perhaps one of the more accomplsihed efs scripters could make this version work.

        There is a offset determination here, however it has failures in that getValueAbolute does not always seem to be valid. The goal was to make a version that was not dependant on the time frame of the chart to determine the first market hour of the day.

        I think there is an off by one error in the hour detemination.

        Can some one fill me in on why the getValueAbsolute does not seem to be able to use a smaller time value then the master chart? My assumption was that if the symbol and time were not on the chart that the fuction would go and fetch the data from the data server.

        any comments on what I am doing wrong besides being a clueless newb are alway apprecuated.

        Attached Files
        Last edited by thaynes; 02-26-2004, 03:06 PM.

