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Advanced chart "T" vs "1T" Bid/Ask lines?

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  • Advanced chart "T" vs "1T" Bid/Ask lines?

    I always assumed 1T and T would be the same. Bid/Ask lines appear to work only with T, and not with 1T in an advanced chart. Using 7.7 (Build 653) Beta 5

    Should bid/ask lines be possible with 2T, 3T, etc., or not?


  • #2

    Currently the bid/ask lines are exclusive to tick charts. If we build the data from multiple ticks, 2T, 10T, ect...the bid/ask lines won't be displayed. In the case of 1T, the data is basically the same as T, but the data is handled in a different way therefore, the bid/ask lines are not included.

    I think this is something that the Product Development team might be interested in exploring somewhere down the line. I'll definitely pass on the request. Thanks.


    • #3
      Thank you Duane.

      Further to this, I think that BARSTATE_NEWBAR may be delivered differently with 1T vs T. Is this the case?

      In other words, 1T may be treated as a bar chart whereas T may not be.

      Can you confirm this? What really *puzzles* me is that the following code prints newbar lines as well as non-newbar lines. What does newbar mean? Does it mean a trade occurred in a 1T or T chart? TIA

      function preMain() {

      function main() {
      if (getCurrentBarIndex()<0) return;
      var newbar=(getBarState()==BARSTATE_NEWBAR);
      if (newbar) {
      else {


      • #4
        Can anyone explain what conditions generate the new bar state in the efs code on the previous post? I wonder whether it's a spurious condition flag in a 1T chart and so has no meaning?
        If it's a 1T chart, then isn't every tick considered a "bar"?
        It would be great if I could also somehow detect a trade vs a bid/ask update!


        • #5
          My understanding is that tick-based intervals (1T, 30S, etc.) are treated like Bar Charts, while a raw tick chart (interval of T) is treated as a tick chart. My understanding is that getBarState() is really quirky when it comes to either of these interval types. If you do a search on some posts by Doji with the search topic of getBarState() I believe he doesn't even use that function, and has an alternative method of determining when a new bar comes in. This may prove as a useful work-around for you.

          ** I'm moving this thread to the EFS Studies forum as it doesn't pertain to the beta per say, but has more relevance to EFS. **
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
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