I developed this as part of a project I was working on and thought it may come in handy to someone. It is an efs that simulates the input of dates and times from a file (using an array in the file) and using the Javascript .sort functionallity sorts the array by the date and time. I had used several methods to sort these fields but invariably, one or two lines would be out of order. This method turned out to be the simplest
and most reliable method.
If you install on your machine you can run it and the output can be examined using the trace utility button on the screen visable after the efs has been run.

If you install on your machine you can run it and the output can be examined using the trace utility button on the screen visable after the efs has been run.
PHP Code:
Key Words: new Array() length split function else if x++ getBarState() == BARSTATE_ALLBARS trace debugPrintln
Title: Sort Date and Time.efs
By: Steve Hare
Email: [email]share@buckeye-express.com[/email]
Incept: 9/7/2004
Version: 1.0.0
Fix History:
1.0.0 9/7/2004 - Initial Release
This was written to demonstrate the use of a sort function for date and time. Those steps marked as required may
are required, however, the specifics may be changed to match your needs.
Dislaimer: For educational purposes only! Obviously, no guarantees
whatsoever and use at your own risk.
function Create_Data_Array(){
var tmp = new Array();
var x = 0;
tmp[x++] = ("long,8:40:12,9/2/2003");
tmp[x++] = ("long,11:41:12,9/6/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,10:41:12,9/5/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,10:31:12,9/6/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,11:21:12,9/4/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,10:11:12,9/6/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,9:41:12,9/6/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,8:41:12,9/9/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,13:41:12,9/6/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,11:41:12,8/17/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,10:41:12,9/2/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,9:41:12,9/2/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,8:41:12,9/2/2004");
tmp[x++] = ("long,8:41:12,9/2/03");
tmp[x++] = ("long,8:41:12,9/2/2003");
trace(" ");
trace("Raw data ");
trace(" ");
for (x=0;x<tmp.length;x++){
trace("tmp["+x+"] = "+tmp[x]);
var nObj = new Object;
var b = tmp[x].split(",");
nObj.trade_action1 = b[0];//string
nObj.trade_time1 = b[1];//string
nObj.trade_date1 = b[2];//string
t_lines[x] = nObj;
nObj = null;
trace(" ");
trace(" ");
function Sort_trade_date1(a,b) {
var p;var q;var f1 = null;var f2 = null;
p = a.trade_date1.split("/"); // date is mm/dd/yyyy, so p[0] is month, p[1] is day, p[2] is 4 digit year
if (p[0]*1<10)p[0] = "0"+p[0];
if (p[1]*1<10)p[1] = "0"+p[1];
if (p[2]*1<100)p[2] = "20"+p[2];
q = a.trade_time1.split(":");
if (q[0]*1<10)q[0] = "0"+q[0];
if (q[1]*1<10)q[1] = "0"+q[1];
if (q[2]*1<10)q[2] = "0"+q[2];
trace ("p = "+p+" q = "+q+" f1 = "+f1);
p = b.trade_date1.split("/");
if (p[0]*1<10)p[0] = "0"+p[0];
if (p[1]*1<10)p[1] = "0"+p[1];
if (p[2]*1<100)p[2] = "20"+p[2];
q = b.trade_time1.split(":");
if (q[0]*1<10)q[0] = "0"+q[0];
if (q[1]*1<10)q[1] = "0"+q[1];
if (q[2]*1<10)q[2] = "0"+q[2];
if (f1 == f2) return 0;
else if (f1 > f2) return 1
else return -1;
var t_lines = new Array();
function preMain(){
function main(){
if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_ALLBARS) {//true once during initial load and subsequent reload
trace(" ");
trace("Sort_trade_date1 ");
trace(" ");
trace(" ");
trace("Watch here where the .sort is doing it's thing:");
trace(" ");
trace(" ");
trace("Now here is the sorted time and date:");
trace(" ");
for (x=0;x<t_lines.length;x++){
trace("t_lines["+x+"] = "+t_lines[x].trade_action1+","+t_lines[x].trade_time1+","+t_lines[x].trade_date1);
//###### trace section required to be copied complete #####
var traceon = true;// previous tracefile is overwritten if this is true
//var traceon = false;// previous tracefile is added to if this is false
var nStudy = "Sort Date and Time.txt";// - name to be used to name tracefile and button
var tracefile = new File(nStudy);
function trace(data1){//if (getCurrentBarIndex() < -13)return;
debugPrintln(data1);//comment this line out if you do not want the output echoed to the formula output window
if (traceon){//first use is true, overwrites previous trace file
traceon = false;
tracefile.open("wt+");tracefile.close();//opens and overwrites previous file
if (trace.caller.name!="preMain" && trace.caller.name!="postMain")tButton();//call to the button that allows opening text file
function tButton(){
drawTextPixel(50, 10, (" click here to see the "+nStudy+" file " + "@URL=C:\/Program\ Files\/eSignal\/FormulaOutput\/"+nStudy), Color.red, null, Text.RELATIVETOLEFT | Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.FRAME, "Comic Sans MS", 13,"trace11");
//####### section required to be copied complete #######