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EFS Help Center and Library Q&A

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  • EFS Help Center and Library Q&A

    This is a great resource for EFS developers. Scott emailed me about it over a week ago and I LOVE it.


    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000

  • #2
    Re: EFS Help Center and Library

    Originally posted by ScottJ
    For basic guides, glossaries and examples for using EFS, please visit the EFS Help Center and Library.
    How do you access the EFS Help Center and Library? All I get is that the page is unavailable. I'm trying to find out what the language is for writing formulas and to find out what formulas have already been written. I'm interested in setting trailing stops and triggers for buys and sells.


    • #3
      Hello hlgassociates,

      The link has been updated. Please try again.

      EFS Help Center & Library
      Jason K.
      Project Manager
      eSignal - an Interactive Data company

      EFS KnowledgeBase
      JavaScript for EFS Video Series
      EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
      EFS Glossary
      Custom EFS Development Policy

      New User Orientation


      • #4
        .efs librarian needed

        I would like to have an eSignal reference librarian available to organize and update the .efs. You have created the EFS Library Thread but I think Alex and Chris have done a much better job organizing the .efs. I have a friend who is new to eSignal and I have sent him a list of .efs that I have found valuable. Below are links to threads that Alex and Chris have created.

        What I find especially valuable is having a .png file of each of the .efs files. I am a visual learner and seeing a chart or study helps me understand what the study is attempting to communicated.

        As eSignal is the owner of this Bulletin Board, my request is that you step up more and organize the .efs & .png files into a usable library. What I want when I look at your EFS Library under Oscillators are a reference list of existing .png and .efs oscillators.

        Your community varies from very skilled and generous programmers to relative "newbies" such as myself. For example, Garth Doverspike has created an .efs called Multi Osc 4c and these are not listed in Alex's ATM Group, even though they are further contributions to Alex's Multi Osc 3.

        I think you are missing 50% the value that the Bulletin Board community has created. For example, I have subscribe to the "Stocks and Commodities" magazine for the studies and indicators. From one perspective, I am "carping" off the hard work and skills of people like Alex, Chris and Garth. And, from another perspective this is exactly what I spend $4,000 plus a year for eSignal. I want to see indicators and studies more skilled traders/programmers have developed. A good reference Librarian would harness the wealth by organizing it similar to what Alex has done in the ATM Group.



        • #5
          Hi Harndog,

          Thank you for taking the time to post you thoughts on the EFS Library thread. There certainly is a lot to organize and put together here. I'll follow up with a pm to you as I'd certainly like to talk to you a little further on how we may accomplish what your asking here.

          Our original intent was to have a complete library kept at the EFS Help Center & Library web page, which is not to be confused with the threads on the bulletin boards. At the EFS Help Center page, it is much easier to search through the formulas that we have. Each entry contains a png snapshot of the formula along with a link to download the file. Also contains the code written out for inspection. I'm unclear if you were referring to this page in your post, or if you've seen this site. To view that page click here.

          I look forward to discussing this more with you.



          • #6


            I keep reading that there's a library for how to's on the efs's but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a place here that I can get an explanation of how each of the indicators or efs's, or whatever, work. Right now I'm specifically interested in the new Trend Vue efs. I've got it on my chart but I can't find an explanation of how it works. Could you please tell me how to access these explanations on the indicators. Thanks.


            • #7

              Here is the link to the EFS Help Center and Knowledge Base. This library more oriented towards illustrating different types of code used in EFS to accomplish the goals of custom indicators. If you are looking for the proper usage of a specific indicator, you may have to check with the original author to get that information. From the looks of it, this was written by Robert Minor from Hope this helps.


              • #8

                Can anyone in Support please direct me to the page that I can find an efs study called Heikin Ashi. I'd like to download it on my charts. I've looked everywhere I know to look in the efs studies and the Bulletin board. Thanks.


                • #9
                  See this thread


                  • #10
                    Alex or any one
                    Question on DebugPrintin

                    (1) I listed "things" in DebugPrintin
                    (2) Program ran OK
                    (3) How? Where? Can I see the file that DebugPrintin wrote ?
                    Larry Dudash
                    HAL at


                    • #11
                      In the Formula Output Window (Tools->EFS->Formula Output Window from the main menu)


                      • #12

                        FWIW, in this link I posted a method to access the file produced by debugPrintln as well.


                        • #13
                          Preferred Stochastics No Scaling

                          Can anyone help with attached EFS...I am trying to get the vhorizontal zone lines like the 50 and 80 and 20...NOT to float...Many times they are out of view and want to see them ALL the time for a better view...and want the horizontal lines to stay put

                          I have tried to add that there be a max and min on chart but it did not work...added array min/max 80
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Hi Barb How have you been?

                            setStudyMax and Min go in the premain section.

                            I am not sure what the ReturnArray is doing or if that is part of theproblem.

