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EFS and Clipboard

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  • EFS and Clipboard

    Can EFS communicate with Windows' and write to it? Thanks.

  • #2
    Hello z11,

    EFS does not have the ability to communicate with the clipboard.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #3
      Is this feature worthy of considering for future implementation? Can't be that hard to instantiate a handle to Windows' Clipboard object. Thanks.


      • #4
        Hello Z11,

        Please feel free to submit your suggestion to our development team at [email protected].
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

        EFS KnowledgeBase
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        New User Orientation


        • #5
          As an alternative (second prize) for not being able to copy to clipboard, is it possible to write that info out to a text file and then launch notepad.exe with that file as the parameter?
          Standing on the shoulders of giants.


          • #6

            Yes, you can write to a text file, then open that text file with Notepad. Here is a copy of a debugging utility I had put together called trace. You then use the trace(); command similarly to debugPrintln(); command. The first time you use the command to save a line to a file, it creates a file with the data and continues to append a line to the file every time you use the trace(); command.

            As soon as a file is created, a button is placed on the screen. Click the button and the file is opened in NotePad. There are a number of possible configurations of the trace efs function(s), with this being the most straightforward. The attached file is not a standalone efs, rather, it is a collection of two functions and several global variables. It must be placed in an efs, outside premain and main to work correctly. It works best for me to copy the entire contents to the beginning or end of the efs, keeping the functions and global variable declarations together.

            Hope this helps.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Guest; 05-13-2005, 04:52 AM.


            • #7
              Hi Steve,

              That looks like exactly what I need - many thanks. I'll try it out tomorrow morning.

              BTW - I love your new avatar - coolest I've ever seen!!
              Standing on the shoulders of giants.


              • #8
                Originally posted by stevehare2003
                ...As soon as a file is created, a button is placed on the screen....
                Hi Steve,

                Thanks for the code. A couple of questions and comments.

                The button clicking opens the text file because the OS recognizes a .txt file associated with notepad right? And so the @URL= part kicks off that file with its association - if I've understood that part correctly. Is there a way to "spawn" notepad with a parameter so that I can do a bunch of processing to a file from a button and then launch notepad when all of that processing is finished?

                In your code you have:
                PHP Code:
                    if (traceon){//first use is true, overwrites previous trace file
                traceon false;
      "wt+");//opens and overwrites previous file
                In the "if(traceon) {" part, shouldn't we close the file immediately after opening it because we then open it again below this if statement?

                In the button function:
                PHP Code:
                function tButton(){
                    if (
                nOutsideMane == false
                I couldn't find the nOutsideMane variable declared elsewhere.

                Many thanks for your help with this.
                Standing on the shoulders of giants.


                • #9
                  Hi Guy,

                  Correct, the file association does the trick, as to opening it such that actions on that file automatically take place, that would take some noodllin' to figure out a solution. Perhaps one of the efs consultants could help you out there.

                  Regarding the code, I corrected it and re-uploaded the file in the original post.



                  • #10
                    copy to clipboard and message box

                    Steve: Your avatar is mesmorizing - I can't stop watching it.

                    I couldn't find what I needed so I wrote a DLL which does the trick of copy the text to the clipboard and also popping up a message box with information in it.

                    I've attached the DLL and a sample EFS to this message in a zip file. The comments at the top of the EFS explain everything.

                    [Edit: New zip file upload at 16:00 EST on 13 May 2005]
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by wildfiction; 05-13-2005, 12:58 PM.
                    Standing on the shoulders of giants.

