The attached EFS works on charts with time templates of 2 days or more, but not on charts with a 1-day time template. With 1-day time templates, the Reload study list displays "(StudyTitle), Loading Data...", and the formula just hangs. Regardless of EFS reloading or chart refreshing and restarting, the Loading Data condition never changes. Is there a fix for this? (using a Seconds chart with a 1-Day time template, 0:00 to 0:00)
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EFS, Loading Data...
The Loading Data condition exists at all times after 9:30 ET when symbol data is available; (observed over past several days). I just happened to post my question prior to the open. I should have mentioned that.Reloading or re-application of formula after 9:30 has no effect.
I got it working here too by changing the time template up to multi-day, then back to 1-day. It will probably hang again tomorrow until I do that template change again. Curious that a formula reload, chart refresh, and formula re-application have no effect. Also curious that it doesn't resolve the Loading Data condition by itself upon data start at 9:30 ET.
FWIW I did not have to change the Time Template to get it working. As a matter of fact I just repeated the same thing just now after having closed down both eSignal and the Data Manager
One thing I did change in the efs was to replace all the close(0,"symbol") with a variable declared only once ie var TickClose = close("$TICK") and var AddClose = close("$ADD"). Not sure if that makes a difference.