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How does eSignal deal with this?

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  • How does eSignal deal with this?

    When I create two daily charts of the same stock and apply two different EFS' on them respectively. When I shrink the x-axis of one chart so that more days are shown in the chart, I notice the other chart also refreshes (the indicator pane). My question is that how the EFS on the second chart preservees the states of all global variable (the variables defined outside of main() ) in itself? If EFS doesn't process those newly downloaded old data points, why does the chart and indicator pane refresh? Thanks.

  • #2
    Hello Clearpicks,

    When a chart refresh occurs, global variables in the EFS maintain their state. The formula is not re-initialized. If you have global variables that you need to re-initialize upon a chart refresh you need to add a getBarState() routine in main that looks for BARSTATE_ALLBARS. The EFS does process the new bars after a refresh.
    Jason K.
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