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woodies cci, desire histogram style

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  • woodies cci, desire histogram style


    is there an EFS written that will allow me to overlay a 14 and a 6 cci woodie style, ie histogram style? presently, Esig just allows me to display a very visually simple cci. the preprogrammed woodie trading panel is excellent but want to experiment with various values of cci...something that the woodie trade panel wont let me do.

    if such a study or EFS has been written, would someone please point it out.

    thanks in advance.


  • #2
    Try this one out. It may suit your needs.

    I have documented it fairly well in the study, so if you know how to open it in the efs editor you can read and change anything there that you want to. Feel free to use, change and disperse it.

    I'll check back in a day or so to see if you have had any problems.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      You an change the CCI to any value you want on the Woodie CCI panel. Admittedly, you cannot change the 6 period turbo CCI to anything else, it is either on on off, but you can change the regular CCI to anything you wish. Try entering 10 or 34 or 50 into the CCI period and you will see that it works. Just over-write the Auto, 14 and 20 options with any number and you will see that it works.



      • #4
        loss of slider


        figured out how to compress my file so that i can send an example of my loss of slider. hope you can help me.


        Attached Files


        • #5
          How many Function Parameters are there in the efs?
          If 7 just add an extra one (even if it has no specific task) and also add the corresponding item in main(item1, item2, additemhere) and the slider will reappear. This is a known issue and is already corrected for the next version of the software


          • #6
            Ah, the infamous disappearing slider!

            That slider problem was present in earlier versions of eSignal and was corrected in v7.8. Suggest you upgrade. The first time you try Edit Studies, the slider is present, but for subsequent attempts at Edit Studies it disappears. For me, this problem was fixed with v7.8



            • #7
              Greetings all,
              The slider problem exists for me too, and I have downloaded the most recent version of eSignal.

              I don't know how to fix it, but I do know how to get around it. You simply click to select one of the parameters which you can see and then use your arrow pad key to move down the list. This will take you to the "un-reachables" and you can change them as usual. It works for me.

              Good luck, Bob


              • #8
                Read my earlier post regarding the slider. Anyhow the issue is resolved in the alpha versions of 7.9


                • #9
                  Good call, as usual.
                  I added a parameter at the end, (made it a string) named it NOTHING, put it the main() list, and lo and behold the slider appeared in the the Edit Studies window.

                  Good enuf' is good enuf'...

                  Thanks, Bob

