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symbol limit...

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  • symbol limit...

    when i try to make an volume indicator for an stock index i get this error:

    The Symbol Limit (7) for a formula has been exceeded.

    what i do is i repeatedly get volumes for the stocks that are included in this index:

    omxs30volume += ((volume(0, "ABB-SSE")) * 0.0094);

    i do this 30 times since theres 30 stocks in the index. but i dont use them simultaneously. but it seems like efs thinks so, is there a function for closing symbols so i can use others? any other way to come around this problem? the thing is, i dont need 30 symbols running at the same time, i just need to get the volume once at every bar. but there seems to be some missconception between my will and efs limit. would be glad if anyone could help me out.

  • #2
    Hello chris1,

    The external symbols do not have to be accessed simultaneously. Once an EFS tries to access an 8th symbol, the EFS engine throws the symbol limit error.
    Jason K.
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    • #3
      Since i get the error i guess i try to get them simultaneously, even though they're lined up line after line up to 30... I guess its a question of defenition.

      But how can it be exceeded? I mean i get one volume of one symbol. Ok, done, then i get next volume from another symbol. I cant see the logic in this. As i see it it should just return what i ask for, as it gets exceeded it has to save the symbols in an array or something since it can be exceeded. If i use one stream and that stream changes everytime i get the volume from another symbol its impossible to get exceeded because nothing is building up. Cause more memory usage, or any other disadvantage.

      But enough with that. Do you know how this can be fixed, done in another way? I want to get volume for 30 different stocks so i can count em togheter and see the index volume of current bar. Or in this case 8 since 8 seems to be a limit. Or if theres anyway to do it so it dont become simultaneously. Or if i somehow can "clear" this symbol limit. Meaning the count starts from zero.


      • #4
        Hello chris1,

        Let me try to explain this a little better. A single EFS formula is not allowed to access more than seven different symbols. It doesn't matter if they are accessed one at a time or simultaneously. Creating scanners or indexes requiring more than 7 symbols is not currently permitted in EFS, which is why we have a symbol limit of 7. We have to have this limit to control the demand on our data servers.
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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        • #5

          Thanks for your response, now it seems to make sense. It sucks, then i cant create indicators that helps me in my trading, but i also understand why you have implemented it. And thanks for letting me know that i should stop now and dont try to solve this in vain.

          But you said "right now" ... does this mean that you're (esignal EFS team) planning to raise that limit?


          • #6
            Hello chris1,

            No plans that I'm aware of. It's not likely to be raised, but you're more than welcome to submit a request to the development team at [email protected].
            Jason K.
            Project Manager
            eSignal - an Interactive Data company

            EFS KnowledgeBase
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