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Create a series without drawing it

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  • Create a series without drawing it

    Hi Guys,
    Is there a way to creat a series (ie. using the Chop script) without having it drawn on the chart? I'd just like the values to be displayed in the Cursor Window.
    Thanks !

  • #2
    Hi Chris747,

    if you convert your numerical values to text in your efs and return the text in a return statement, it will only go to the Cursor window and not the chart. You can convert a number(s) to a text value as follows:

    var n = 5.6;//number
    var m = 1;//number
    return new Array(n+"",m+"");converts n and m to text and returns them to teh text window

    By adding the "" to any number in JavaScript, you convert it to text. Text values returned to a chart will only go to the cursor window.

