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  • not working

    When I use the email alert function, e.g:, subjecttext)

    this appends the symbol of the chart in front of the text in both the subject line and body of the email. How can I eliminate the symbol from being included. I am using the e-mail function to send an e-mail to my trading dome and I need to have only the exact text I include in the function to be sent in the e-mail without any additional characters of any kind appended.

    I'm desperate, because this email is the last piece of 4 months of code writing that will be flushed down the toilet if I can't send this email correctly formatted. In fact I will have to abandon all of my trading if I can't control the text o the subject line and body of the email.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • #2
    Which DOME app are you using..

    Please tell me if you are using TradeMaven or something like that. I've created code for that application that works fine.

    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Yes, I am using TradeMaven.


      • #4

        Well, I'm working on a tool for TradeMaven users that will allow you to PLUG IN the information you need, then access bi-directional communication with TM. But at this time, I have the code working in a "Client's Script".

        The situation is this (as I can't show you the actual code)....

        To fire single orders... (a stop order)"Order: "+vUserProfile+" Short Stop "+Math.floor(nStopPrice*100)+" "+OpenContracts,["eSignal"]);

        To fire multiple orders (in a specific execution order) - a cancel all order, then a stop order"Order: "+vUserProfile+" CancelAll\r\["+getSymbol()+"] Order: "+vUserProfile+" Short Stop "+Math.floor(nStopPrice*100)+" "+OpenContracts,["eSignal"]);

        the interactivity feature of TradeMaven is provided by opening multiple files and comparing the information contained within these files. So, if you want to fire off orders, you can use these examples. If you want to build bi-directional communication between your EFS and TM, then you'll been my utility (unless you want to try to do this on your own).

        You can do it on your own (I did). It just takes time to align everything
        Brad Matheny
        eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


        • #5
          I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying. The format of your code looks the same as what I am using already. I know how to format the text in the email properly so that TradeMaven executes the order. If I just send an email from a command line with the correct text in the subject line, TradeMaven accepts and executes the order with no problem. If I generate the email with the function it appends the symbol to the text and TradeMaven doesn't execute the order.

          Here's the code I use:

"Order: emailalert Short Market 1 1", "TradeMaven")

          This returns the following for a Russell Chart:

          In the email's subject line:

          [AB M5] TradeMaven

          In the email's body:

          [AB M5] Order: emailalert Short Market 1 1

          The text synatx in the email cannot include the [AB M5] or TradeMaven will not accept the order. So my problem is not in creating the proper text syntax that TradeMaven requires. My iproblem s that I need to eliminate the symbol included in the text that is appended when I use the function.
          Last edited by werosen; 05-05-2005, 09:54 AM.


          • #6
            Hello werosen,

            The "[symbol]" that is appended to the text in the email is the default behavior for this function. We currently do not have a method to allow the user to leave that portion out. This would require a modification to the Alert object. Please submit a request to our development team to have an option added that will allow you to remove the symbol text to [email protected].
            Jason K.
            Project Manager
            eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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            • #7
              No need to send to ideas. I can empathize =).

              I've just added a parameter to<subject>, <text>, [preFixSymbol]).

              By default it is set to 'true', and is optional to provide backwards compatibility.

              In your case, simply set it to 'false', and it will NOT prefix the symbol to the subject and text.

              This will be available in v7.9.1, due out in June.


              • #8
                can be configured to send to multiple receipients? in the configurationi window of Alerts? if so what would be the format?

                Thank you,



                • #9
                  Not that I am aware of. The way I resolve this is by having my ISP forward emails to multiple recipients.

