Good Morning,
Recent threads indicate syntax and formate changes required when converting to the latest version of eSignal. In preparation for the conversion, could you please answer the following:
1) Is there a list of the required changes in syntax and formate required so it is not a trial and error process?
2) How can the old version (7.8) be saved in a separate location such that if there is a conversion problem the old version can be run and active trading conducted while the efs conversions are in process after the new 7.9 is loaded?
3) With 7.8 and 7.9 loaded on one computer, will program un-install list both for later removal?
4) Please advise where to find Alex's list of efs studies converted into 7.9?
5) Where can I find a 7.9 operating version of both end centered and centered moving averages where averages of different time periods are used in the same efs and plotted on a single chart?
As always, Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Recent threads indicate syntax and formate changes required when converting to the latest version of eSignal. In preparation for the conversion, could you please answer the following:
1) Is there a list of the required changes in syntax and formate required so it is not a trial and error process?
2) How can the old version (7.8) be saved in a separate location such that if there is a conversion problem the old version can be run and active trading conducted while the efs conversions are in process after the new 7.9 is loaded?
3) With 7.8 and 7.9 loaded on one computer, will program un-install list both for later removal?
4) Please advise where to find Alex's list of efs studies converted into 7.9?
5) Where can I find a 7.9 operating version of both end centered and centered moving averages where averages of different time periods are used in the same efs and plotted on a single chart?
As always, Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,