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  • Tick-Candle-Chart-Coding

    hello everybody,

    i have a question about the tickcharts.
    what i need is that on a tick-candle-chart the first tick of the new day is the first tick of the first bar.
    e.g. if i use a 50T, then the first tick of the first bar should be 1/50

    At the moment eSignal complete the bar of the day before. so if the last tick of the last day was 33/50 so the first tick of the new day is at the moment 34/50. Only if the Bar on the last day was finished 50/50, then it starts with the first bar on the new day.

    does anybody have an idea, how i can setup, that tick 1 of the new day is tick one of the first bar of the new day ?

    maybe it is possible to code it with an indicator ?

    thank you verry much for your help

  • #2
    finishing by hand

    is it may possible to finish the old bar on the day befor by hand (add ticks etc. ) ?

    or can i make something with the timetemplates ?

    Thanx for your help


    • #3
      With the latest beta (build 566) a new feature was introduced which is called Bar Editor (right click chart select Tools->Bar Editor).
      This new tool allows you to 'adjust' any bar (or bars) on any interval (except tick and tick-derived).
      The adjustment will only be applied to that specific interval and will not be used by other intervals for that given symbol.
      Last edited by ACM; 04-02-2003, 10:49 AM.


      • #4
        Hi Alex,

        i installed build 566, and there are some nice features ;-)

        But there is still the problem with the tick-candle-charts.
        it is not possible to say, that i only like to get the daylyticks.
        and its not possible to fill the last tickbar of the last day to make sure that the first tick of the new day is the first tick in the first bar of the new day.

        Is there any chance that this will be includet in the final 7.3 ?


