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Help!...Bug in 7.91 Build 732?

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  • Help!...Bug in 7.91 Build 732?

    Greetings EFS2 Developers,

    My application makes use of the new EFS features AboveBar and BelowBar in conjunction with Text.PRESET in order to draw text above and below price bars. It works great with eSignal 7.9, however, clients who just downloaded eSignal 7.91 are complaining of overlapping text. I duplicated the problem with a simple EFS called BarLevels.efs . A snapshot of BarLevel.efs performing properly under eSignal 7.9 is shown below:

    A snapshot of BarLevel.efs performing improperly under eSignal 7.91 is shown below:

    Can anyone provide a workaround? Or does anyone have an idea when eSignal might fix this? I appreciate the help as this feature is critical to my application.

    Kind Regards,

    Scott Masters
    [email protected]

  • #2
    Hello Scott,

    Thank you for posting the code example. I've confirmed the problem you are seeing between the two versions. I will make sure development is aware of the problem. A temporary work around for this would be to replace the AboveBar/BelowBar location constants from the drawText calls with high(0) or low(0) plus a spacer value. Create a global spacer variable (i.e. nSpace) and set this to a value that is equal to something like 50% of the difference between a 5 period SMA of the highs and a 5 period SMA of the lows. Add multiples of this value to the other rows of text. There are many variations to this type of process, but you can tweak this one to suit your needs. The advantage is that it should work across all intervals and symbols.

    PHP Code:
    var nSpace null;

    main() {
         if (
    nSpace == nullnSpace 0.5*(sma(5high()) - sma(5low()) );

    your formula code


    UpArrow(barIndexyValuetmp) {
    drawTextAbsolute(barIndexhigh(0) + 1*nSpace'abc'Color.redColor.whiteText.CENTER|Text.FRAME"Arial"121);
    drawTextAbsolute(barIndexhigh(0) + 2*nSpace'abc'Color.redColor.whiteText.CENTER"Arial"122);
    drawTextAbsolute(barIndexhigh(0) + 3*nSpace'abc'Color.redColor.whiteText.CENTER"Arial"123);
    drawTextAbsolute(barIndexhigh(0) + 4*nSpace'abc'Color.redColor.whiteText.CENTER"Arial"124);

    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #3
      Hi Jason,

      Many thanks for the fast reply and workaround. I do see the value in the workaround, but I will probably just keep my clients on 7.9 until the problem is fixed. If it turns out that the problem persists, I'll migrate to the workaround.

      Tx again,

      Scott Masters
      [email protected]

