Possible to draw counting Numbers for each circle in LinearRegressionCalc.efs?
Hi- I am wondering if it is possible to draw numbers by each circle , in the study"LinearRegressionCalc.efs", to numerically identify each circle in the length. Thanks.
Yes, use drawTextRelative() after the drawShapeRelative() calls and use the same barIndex/yValue inputs. For the text input, use the i variable from the for loop and 0 for the other call that appears a few lines below the loop.
Jason K.
Project Manager eSignal - an Interactive Data company
Hi Jason--Thanks again for your help. Guess I'll stop making promises I can't keep. I input the following for the 1st item:
drawTextRelative(-i,aY[i],"i=1",Color.red,null,Text|CENTER,"Arial",10); I get an error saying"CENTER is not defined". If I leave it out, I get an error saying not enough arguments.
Replace "i=1" with just i. Use the variable by itself and not as a string. This will draw the actual number used in the for loop for the text in the label.
Replace Text|CENTER with Text.CENTER. The pipe (i.e. | ) character is used to apply multiple text flags by separating them with this character. "Text" and "CENTER" by themselves are not valid flags, which is why you're getting the error message. See the reference link I posted in my previous reply for the available text flags.
Also you need to add the tag name parameter as the last parameter just like the drawShape calls.
Jason K.
Project Manager eSignal - an Interactive Data company
Jason, this is getting me off to a great start. However, I was thinking more in terms of a consecutive count. For example, in a length of, say, 10, I wanted to count the 1st 10 circles as they appear by showing #1 by the 1st circle, #2 by the 2nd circle, etc. Then when the 11th circle showed up, I wanted to start the count over again with #1 by the 11th circle, #2 by the 12th circle, etc. I hope this is not too confusing. Is this possible? Thanks for your patience.