Is there a way to avoid a declared data series [builtin studies in particular] to execute on every tick?
I know this is should not be a performance issue [50Ticks/s * .02ms/tick = insignificant amount of time] but fact is that today at 2:15 pm EST [we all know what happened then] my screen froze for so long that I had to power off the computer [could not even close the eSignal with EndTask from Windows].
Thanks God I had my IB Trader Workstation on diferent computer [which worked fine all this time] and could react to price changes, as needed.
Thank you.
Is there a way to avoid a declared data series [builtin studies in particular] to execute on every tick?
I know this is should not be a performance issue [50Ticks/s * .02ms/tick = insignificant amount of time] but fact is that today at 2:15 pm EST [we all know what happened then] my screen froze for so long that I had to power off the computer [could not even close the eSignal with EndTask from Windows].
Thanks God I had my IB Trader Workstation on diferent computer [which worked fine all this time] and could react to price changes, as needed.
Thank you.