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Do Studies re-execute on "reload.efs"?

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  • Do Studies re-execute on "reload.efs"?


    I experience the following problem, which I cannot explain, maybe someone can help me understand if it is normal, or I should look for something in my script:

    When changing symbols or time interval, the load time is much longer than I just reload to plot diferent sets of indicators [I have buttons that allow me to do this].
    For example, what takes in average 0.4-0.5ms on reload efs, takes 0.9-1.3ms when changing timeframe or symbol.

    I know premain is not executed on reload efs, but I don't think the premain is the problem [I only have about 20 lines with function parameters and default settings for plots and chart], so must be something else.

    Can anybody explain what else happens on fir load that does not on reloadefs? Are studies re-executed on reload? If they are not, everything makes sense and is normal, else, I have no clue.

    NOTE: I noticed that when changing symbol or timeframe, the script is executed a few more times that the number of bars in Time Template [for example, 603-604, on 600 bars template]. This does not happen on reloadefs.

    NOTE2: I have a second problem, which I cant explain: When changing symbol or time interval, my lower panes [not on the Price pane] appear shortly, then dissappear, to re-appear after time described above?!? I hope is the same problem.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by mbuta; 10-08-2005, 04:53 PM.
    Mihai Buta

  • #2
    Re: Do Studies re-execute on "reload.efs"?

    Hello Mihai,

    Originally posted by mbuta

    I experience the following problem, which I cannot explain, maybe someone can help me understand if it is normal, or I should look for something in my script:

    When changing symbols or time interval, the load time is much longer than I just reload to plot diferent sets of indicators [I have buttons that allow me to do this].
    For example, what takes in average 0.4-0.5ms on reload efs, takes 0.9-1.3ms when changing timeframe or symbol.

    I know premain is not executed on reload efs, but I don't think the premain is the problem [I only have about 20 lines with function parameters and default settings for plots and chart], so must be something else.

    What you are describing is normal. When changing the symbol or interval, you are requesting a new chart to be built. This will take longer than a reload of an efs and should be an expected behavior.

    Can anybody explain what else happens on fir load that does not on reloadefs? Are studies re-executed on reload? If they are not, everything makes sense and is normal, else, I have no clue.
    I'm not sure what you mean by "fir load." When reloadEFS() is called, main() is reprocessed for each bar in your chart. Any global variables in your efs will not be reinitialized. They will retain their state at the point where reloadEFS() gets called.

    NOTE: I noticed that when changing symbol or timeframe, the script is executed a few more times that the number of bars in Time Template [for example, 603-604, on 600 bars template]. This does not happen on reloadefs.
    Depending on the amount of data that needs to be requested based on the time template settings, the chart may need to make more than one request for data. That is probably what is adding a couple numbers to the total count. This isn't going to have a negative impact on anything, so I wouldn't be concerned about this one.

    NOTE2: I have a second problem, which I cant explain: When changing symbol or time interval, my lower panes [not on the Price pane] appear shortly, then dissappear, to re-appear after time described above?!? I hope is the same problem.

    Thank you.
    This is also normal behavior. It's just simply part of the process of building and displaying a study. The disappear/reappear is also probably caused by the fact that the chart is making multiple requests for data to build the entire chart requested by the time template.
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    • #3
      Hi Jason,

      Thank you for your reply and explainations. This means I have to look somewhere else for my "freezeing" problems. I have been trading AAPL lately and it has been a nightmare.

      The only question not clear yet is if studies get re-executed on reload efs [as opposed to "fir time", which was supposed to "first time"], but really does not matter. My real problem is that they execute on every tick [which Apple has a lot] and a tentative to suggest something that would address this problem to the development team resulted [one week later] in lecture why my computer and my script is the problem and that I am the only one mentioning such issue!!

      Thank you again,
      Mihai Buta

