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Training Video "JavaScript for EFS"

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  • Training Video "JavaScript for EFS"

    Hello all.

    We have recently completed a five and half hour video training series that educates the viewer on programming using JavaScript, the foundation language for EFS. This series not only provides information on JavaScript, but also leads the viewer through many examples using the EFS Editor and the EFS Output Window.

    We have published the first 3 sections (13 min.) of the video in hopes that we can obtain some feedback on the value of such an offering.

    Section 1: Introduction
    Section 2: Programming Concepts
    Section 3: Getting Started
    To play these videos, first download them and then play them locally from your PC. You'll also need Windows Media Player 10.

    Here are some questions we have about the video.

    - How's the overall usefulness for you?
    - Do you like the style/quality of the video?
    - Are these 3 sections enough of a demonstration to "peak your interest"?

    Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide (please post feedback as a reply in this same thread.)
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

  • #2
    Yes we need it badly


    From what I can tell....

    The EFS information is all over the place in bits and pieces.

    Yes the video's would be great as an overview to getting started, This would let us know what is possible.

    Then a good manual by my side to quickly reference the proper syntax with an index of all of the commands and details for each parameters in the command).

    I watched the first three videos. They are good. But I need more, so that I can become a productive programmer. (I have a BSME and significant programming experience, but the EFS information is not coherently presented so it has been a struggle learning the ropes).



    • #3
      Hello Jay ,
      I hope you and your family are doing well .

      I just watched the 3 sections of the video here.

      "We have recently completed a five and half hour video training series that educates the viewer on programming using JavaScript, the foundation language for EFS. This series not only provides information on JavaScript, but also leads the viewer through many examples using the EFS Editor and the EFS Output Window.
      We have published the first 3 sections (13 min.) of the video in hopes that we can obtain some feedback on the value of such an offering."

      Is there going to be a price to be paid for such offering, and is that the reason for only 13 minutes being shown?

      1. Hows the overall usefulness for you?

      Without seeing more I have no use for what the 13 minutes of 5 and 1/2 hrs that is said to be completed has shown ....

      2. Do you like the style/quality of the video?

      Having the intro talk about sales examples seems totally off but that is me and I have no idea of programming. If you get to the nitty gritty of it all (specifics of actual studies a user would want to program for trading ) then maybe quality might be better. Videos are a great tool to show and explain things when done in a certain way.

      3. Are these 3 sections enough of a demonstration to "peak your interest"?

      No unfortunately ... my interest is peaked on the "value of such an offering" and how there is only published 13 minutes out of a stated 5 and 1/2 hrs of completed training. Seems to me that those 3 sections all be in the introduction. Not knowing of programming or marketing here if I have mistakenly missed something accept my apologies as I mean no disrespect.



      • #4
        Hi Jay,

        A very good idea to create EFS training. I've been using EFSs for months now, mostly by copying others EFS's, and attempting to modify to suit my needs. I've created a few from scratch, but I can't honestly say I know what I am doing. eSignal, in my 3.0 GHz P4 HT Dell with 2GB memory often bogs down, I suspect because of my inefficient EFS's. I've come to realize that even though the EFS looks like its running ok, it may be consuming excessive computer resources. So I'm hoping these videos will help me recognize mistakes I've made.

        My comments to the videos:
        Video 1
        A good intro. Then boom, video 2!

        Video 2
        This video seems like it should be video 6 or later in the series. This video jumps right into the deep end of the pool. For the complete EFS newbie, a couple of examples of EFS's in charts would be useful to convey what they can do. Then a quick outline of the EFS tools/menu commands and their purpose would be useful, just to understand how/where EFS's fit into the overall eSignal program. A sample EFS should be seen first, with a general description of how it works, before jumping into describing the components. I understood maybe half of Video 2 .

        Video 3
        I followed all of that.
        You guys have worked with this stuff for so long, and know it so well that I don't think you appreciate that the average joe doesn't immediately know what a script, or conditional, or environment, or state is. You need to take this is smaller, simpler steps.

        EFS's are a excellent feature within eSignal, but I suspect that less than 10% of eSignal users fully understand them. I don't. So your creation of these videos is a good move. I will be astounded if you folks intend to charge for this video series (as suggested in another reply) . Is that the case?

        Hope the above comments help. Feel free to email me if I can clarify.



        • #5
          i am interested in seeing these videos ? Its a little hard to give an opinion with only a couple minutes of video . i dont understand if you have the videos made whats the hold up . You have alot of fustrated customers who would love to learn how to make more than the basic formulas.Why dont you post the complete first video and then we would have more to comment on?


          • #6
            Review of video

            Very good
            I have programmed in "almost every language" since 1969.
            Esignal took me a few weeks to learn.
            Your video would have saved me a few days. IMHO.
            Larry Dudash
            HAL at


            • #7
              To Whomever is in charge of this:

              I may have mistaken the term used "offering" as only "to place on sale" and I am very concerned why a simple question with a "yes" or "no" answer can not be provided by a supervisor of this video. Esignal has presented this here for comments. If a user takes the time to view what has been presented and states their opinions along with some "simple" questions it is beyond me why no one can furnish answers in more than a months time.

              I think the least Esignal could do is clarify what they mean by "offering" and if there is more of said 5 1/2 hours of video published somewhere to view please provide a link.

              Is it Esignals policy, in this regard, to only respond to users questions after receiving a said number of users responses?



              • #8
                This video series has been completed, and will next be in the process of being published to the Product Training area of eSignal Central. These videos will available for free downloads intially, and possibly distributed in a Flash format later. We plan on having the new videos up by the end of this year (i.e. within about 3 weeks.)

                Part of the delay in getting these out the door is due to my own time contraints as we have been hiring and training more staff in Community Support & Education Group.

                Thank you all for your feedback and patience.
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #9
                  Thank you very much for your response.

                  Happy Holidays to you and yours


                  • #10
                    Jay ,

                    A couple of questions :
                    Will the video be on making formulas with efs2 which they say is easier to use?

                    You say you have hired more staff. Does that mean you will assist members in learning or if we have a problem on how to solve it. I notice a few years ago on the message board when you had a problem someone would help and explain how to fix the problem . I have seen many people recently ask questions with no response or someone at esignal suggest paying someone to do instead of explaining what we are doing wrong.


                    • #11

                      Thank you for your continued interest in this video series and your posts.

                      This video series is based around educating the viewer of how to program using JavaScript. While there are a few references to EFS, most of the examples are built around developing a solid understanding of programming concepts. This foundation is what a beginner needs to really get a foothold to grasp EFS and EFS2 concepts. Without this understanding, the learning curve surely steepens.

                      Regarding your second point, we have eSignal employees and experienced EFS programmers already posting in this forum answering questions that community members have. Due to the large popularity of EFS, it does sometime occur that questions may be missed. Please remember that eSignal Central is a community. As such, we all need to pitch in and help each other here. I've seen many community members step up recently and do this and hope to see that this trend continues.

                      Try taking a look around the forum the next time you're on... is there a post that you may have the answer to? If so, feel free to take a shot at it!
                      Jay F.
                      Product Manager
                      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

