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Question about Drawing functions

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  • Question about Drawing functions

    Can the same routine [a generic drawing shapes function] be called more than one time on the same bar to draw more than one shape [not even on the same bar]?

    Example: On GapUp, I detect a Pivot Low, so I call the routine to draw the PivotLow [usually, 1-2 bar before the event]. Tthen same bar turns to be a Pivot High as well, so I call the same function again, [diferent parameters values] to draw the PivotHigh [on this bar].

    It plots only one of them, whichever occurs last.
    Is this a programming error on my part, or a limitation I need to know about?

    Note: I even created a duplicate function, with diferent names for parameters, same result: only last DrawShape function ordered plot.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by mbuta; 10-29-2005, 05:15 PM.
    Mihai Buta

  • #2

    I do it all the time, you have a problem with your programming, preventing you from accomplishing this.


    • #3

      I must be blinded somewhere. I thought I did it also before.
      Can you please post a picture with what/how you do it?

      Thank you.
      Mihai Buta


      • #4

        here is a picture...


        • #5
          Steve, thank you.
          I will reduce the efs to this drawing part and I will post it, if the answer does not become obvious.
          I do have other places where I draw multiple times [text] on the same bar, but this is the only place where I change [within same bar] the value of the parameter that decides what/where to plot. See the original mesage for details.
          I am pretty sure I do not have "errors". Maybe I try what efs cannot do [and as documentation is so limitted ?!?!?]. We'll see.

          Note: I have a temporary work around it, but I loose a clock [one bar]. As the problem is about Gaps at the open, one bar may mean missing the entire trade.

          Mihai Buta

