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  • #16
    Hello Fabrizio,

    I've made a small change to the formula that should fix the issue you encountered. Please download the new version.


    FYI - Bob A.,

    The JasonK Charts group was originally intended to just store chart images that I used for replies to posts. Most of them are not that useful or interesting by themselves. I wanted that to be a private group because sometimes members email addresses change or some email notifications get bounced back as undeliverable. I was getting too many undeliverable messages and didn't want to spend any time administering the member list. I've just recently started throwing some basic EFS formulas in there for some of my replies to posts. I realize these would be much more interesting and useful so I've made a new group (JasonK Formulas ) for you that will list some of the formulas I've written that are not included in the EFS Database group. The EFS Database group contains formulas that are listed in the EFS Help Center & Library, which are more complete fully functional formulas. Keep in mind that many of the formulas in the JasonK Formulas group may not be that useful as stand alone formulas. If you are in the process of learning how to code your own formulas, this will be a good place to find some helpful code snippets.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #17

      Hi Jason,

      Thanks for the access . All I wanted was to be able to download and try this particular efs.


