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Loading multiple EFS scripts to a chart with a batch file

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  • Loading multiple EFS scripts to a chart with a batch file


    Is there any way to load 3 (or more) EFS studies to a chart using
    a single batch file? (or other wise loader type script?)



  • #2

    Your question is somewhat vague. If you were to load up these efs's into a chart, save the page/layout and have that as the default layout, the answer is yes. All you would need to do is create a batch file start up eSignal. These 3 (or more) studies would be loaded into a chart with a batch file starting eSignal. Is this what you were trying to get at?


    • #3
      Hi Steve, thanks for the reply

      Not quite. I would like to

      1. Load Esignal
      2. Open the chart on whatever issue (GBP a0-fx for exampe)
      3. Click a batch file on my desktop that will load my studies onto this chart


      3. Attach a kind of template study that will then load the 3 studies i need attached to the chart

      This make any sense? I am aware of being able to save a page /layout but what im trying to do is have an EFS script load other scripts onto a chart.



      • #4

        You are welcome.

        There are several options for you, however, it sounds like you are asking to do something only slightly different than the Next Page and Previous Page options already available from the menu. You should see if these would work for you. Alternatively, you could assign commands to buttons. See this post which replies to a similar question posted only two weeks ago.

        In this case, you could use a program like Macro Express to memorize the keystrokes to load the efs's and execute the batch file with the button.

