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bigger DrawShape and other Interval

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  • bigger DrawShape and other Interval


    how can I draw Shape.UPARROW bigger (Thickness)?

    Know someone how I can plot the DrawShape from a external EFS (which plots only the Shapes) from another Timeframe like
    in 5 Minute-Chart with 15 Minute Shapes:

    myVar = efs( "shapes.efs", 0, sym("IBM, 15"));

  • #2
    The sizes of the shapes is determined by the bar spacing and cannot be set through efs. You may want to use drawText() with a symbol type font such as Wingdings. This would allow you to define the size of the font and also offers a greater variety of shapes you can use. If you search this Bulletin Board you should find several examples showing how to do this.
    As to your second question the functions efs(), efsExternal() and efsInternal() can only retrieve values from the efs' or functions they are calling. You need to include the logic to draw the shapes inside your calling efs. This logic however can be based on signals generated by the external efs or function which could return (for example) 1 when the shape needs to be drawn and 0 in all other cases

