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How to change into EFS format and over lay on candlechart

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  • How to change into EFS format and over lay on candlechart

    1. I have simply copied and saved the E-Signal coding listed in a back issue of S&C mag Traders Tips.
    How do I change it into the required **.EFS format and then place it into the Formulas Folder for use in Esignal?

    2. This particular coding shows it's "graph" above the price chart. Can it be displayed on the candle chart itself ? If yes,How?

    Thank you !

  • #2
    In the main menu of eSignal select Tools-> EFS-> Editor. This will open the EFS Editor in which you can paste the code.
    Once you have completed pasting the code select the Save Formula icon in the EFS Editor and save the formula in any one of the subfolders of Formulas.
    To then apply the efs to a chart, right click the chart, select Formulas, navigate to the subfolder in which you saved the efs and click it.
    With regards to your second question the answer is yes. Click and drag the indicator window on to the price window while pressing the Shift key. That will overlay the indicator on the price pane

