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Correlating calculations across studies

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  • Correlating calculations across studies


    how would would I create a study that references for instance, $TICK and $TRIN levels when marking buy/sell decisions on say an Index chart of $INDU.

    Is there a way of referencing/integrating the data from various graphs? Your help would be much appreciated.

  • #2
    close(0, "IBM"); gets the most recent close for IBM
    so for tick just use

    close(0, "$tick"); gets the most recent close for IBM


    • #3
      thx David, how would i correlate it to a specific study of $TICK e.g. with a 60m interval and a Moving Average(5)?


      • #4
        What are you trying to plot? A 60 min chart of INDU with the moving average of $TICK?


        • #5

          your suggestion below would be an excellent starting point.

          ****ORIGINAL RESPONSE ***
          OK ... I want to change across time frames, but let's assume a 60m view for now.

          I want to track the moving average of $tick across key thresholds 0-200, 200-400, 400-600, etc.

          In fact what I have done is colour coded these changes on the $tick chart.

          What I really want to do is colour code these $tick threshold changes onto the $INDU chart to see if there is any meaningful correlation.

          Any thoughts?
          Last edited by salska; 04-27-2003, 05:16 AM.


          • #6
            This should give you some ideas on how to proceed, just add this efs to a chart of $indu and the bars with $tick<100 will be lime green
            Attached Files


            • #7
              David, thx man ... been hacking around with various things and have sussed out how to get TICK data onto the same chart as $INDU.

              Your prototype will definitely help further.

              The next area that is stumbling me is how I pass data to MA and use that to drive the decision?

              So instead of:

              close(0,"$TICK") < 200

              can I use

              moving_average_fn(close(0, "$TICK") < 200

              Appreciate your help, but really enjoying the power of the tool!!


              • #8
                no sweat, this will be green if tick<100 and close<ema10
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  thx dude ... why didn't i bother to look at the wizard first!

                  much appreciated


