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Can anyone plot signals in both the price and non-price studies from a single efs?

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  • Can anyone plot signals in both the price and non-price studies from a single efs?

    Does anyone know how to plot a indicator with signals such as arrows (let's say a CCI crossing over 0 is the trigger to go long or short) in the non-price study AND also plot the long, short arrows in the price study? I am having a hard time keeping two EFS files in sync for backtesting. One file is a visual of the indicator in the non-price study, the other is the buy/sell signals (and soon the cover, stop, etc. signals) on the price study.

    I reviewed quite a lot of files here on the site but haven't seen one plotting both price study and non-price study signals.

    Thanks in advance! - WR

  • #2
    Hi wwhiterhino,

    No it is not possible. An efs can output to either in the price pane or the non-price pane, not both.
    To submit a suggestion or feature request send an email to [email protected] or select Customer Support-> Make A Suggestion in the main menu of eSignal


    • #3
      Chris is right.

      The way I fake this functionality is by having a variable in my efs that makes the efs to plot as PriceStudy or not:

      var ThisIsPriceStudy = 0;

      Then, in Premain check this var to decide if the efs should load in Price window or not:

      if (ThisIsPriceStudy) {SetPriceStudy(true);}
      else {SetPriceStudy(false);}

      This way, I do all my work in one efs.

      Good Luck!

      Mihai Buta


      • #4
        Thanks for the suggestion Mbuta, can you post a portion of code to demonstrate this in action?


        • #5
          I already did. Really, there is not anything more to it.

          Note: I assume that, you will adjust the plots accordingly. Just test for "ThisIsPriceStudy" condition and plot whatever you want to plot in each case.
          Mihai Buta


          • #6
            One get-around is to have two EFS scripts, one for the price window, one for the non-price window. They can communicate with each other via Global variables.

