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  • addEntitlement()

    Quote from EFS knowledge base:
    //when this script is loaded, addEntitlement() will be called and the current user's eSignal
    //program username will be checked against a list of authorized user names. If this user is
    //not in that list, script operation will abort and an error message will be displayed
    addEntitlement( "", "Sorry. Not authorized.", "" );
    Can you clarify what "script operation will abort" means?

    I have recently come across a situation main() continues to be called and processing (other than the return of values) continues in the main() function.
    Standing on the shoulders of giants.

  • #2
    The pane that the script is running in (price pane or separate indicator pane) will be greyed out and any data returned by the script will not be plotted but, as you said, the main() function will continue to be called. If the addEntitlement() function returned a boolean then you could use that as a flag to simply return from main() but, unfortunately, addEntitlement() does not return any value. The only way I am aware of to take complete control over the situation is to write your own custom addEntitlement() function using the HTTP() object.



    • #3
      Thanks Chris - much appreciated.
      Standing on the shoulders of giants.

