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need help with alerts

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  • need help with alerts

    New to Esignal.

    I'd like help in creating a couple of alerts/alarms or indicators:

    1. when the Bol Bands get narrow (lets say 3.75 points) an alarmsalertsgoes off or the bars change colors

    2. when it's a certain time (lets say lunch time) there is an alarmsalertsgoes off or the bars change colors

    3. lastly, something that plots the High/Low/Mid Point of the day....each day.

    I'd be more than willing to pay someone for their time.

    Note: I'd like these items to be able to run all the time versus having to activate them each time.


    P.S. I would prefer that the bars change colors or a DOT is created on the chart

  • #2
    Welcome to eSIgnal

    1 and 2, no sweat, will atempt tonite

    3, do you want today's high drawn on today's chart, or yesterday's high drawn on today's chart


    • #3
      Re: Reply to post 'need help with alerts'

      See below: <<

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: [email protected]
      To: [email protected]
      Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 2:18 PM
      Subject: Reply to post 'need help with alerts'

      Hello InvGrp2,


      dloomis has just replied.

      Here are the contents of the post:
      Welcome to eSIgnal

      1 and 2, no sweat, will atempt tonite

      >> white bars would be great

      3, do you want today's high drawn on today's chart, or yesterday's high drawn on today's chart
      >> I use 24 hour data and would like the H/L/mid plotted for the full day (but just todays data).

      dloomis has just replied to a thread or forum you have subscribed to entitled - need help with alerts - in the EFS Studies forum of eSignal Bulletin Board.

      >> thanks so much and be sure to tell me how much I owe you.

      Last edited by InvGrp2; 04-28-2003, 01:31 PM.


      • #4
        eSignal already provides two formulas that will plot those values.
        Right click the chart, select Formulas from the context menu, then go to the OHLC subfolder and you should find TodaysDailyBars and PreviousDayDailyBars.
        These will plot the OHLC for today and yesterday.
        Hope this helps posted by Alex - found via search for yesterday

        see if this efs helps with the bb and time issue
        Attached Files


        • #5

          The EFS worked great....I was able to change the time to PST and was able to change the color bars to white.

          Is there anyway I could get you to redo it just with the time in it.....for another chart.

          I really appreciate you help.



          • #6
            Please try this, thx
            Attached Files


            • #7

              I opened the last file and it seems to still include the BB stuff.

              If its not too much trouble, could I just have one for the time portion BB stuff, just the time.

              Again, I really appreciate your help.


              P.S. I tried to do it myself but couldn't figure it out


              • #8
                The /* and */ around the BB code cause that section to be ignored.


                • #9
                  Thanks again.

                  Can I have two of these running at the same time?

                  I'd like at add the time thing for the 1st 15 minutes?



                  • #10
                    Sure you can have two of these running at the same time, just edit the code to change the times to 930 and 945


                    • #11

                      If I run both formulas at the same time one of them overlaps the other.

                      Note: If run separately they work perfectly.

                      What I really need is one for the 1st 15 min (630-645), lunch time (900-1100)....they can be in the same file.

                      And one for the bol bands.

                      I then could load just the time on one chart and load the time and bol bands on the other chart.

                      I know I'm asking a lot and hope I've not been too much of a pain.


