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How do I get data from a web page?

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  • How do I get data from a web page?


    Every morning one of the preperation setups I do is grab todays program trading buy/sell numbers from then set alerts for buy and sell. I also plot lines on these levels. I want to use an EFS for this, so at the beginning of each monring I can just RELOAD my chart to update these numbers! Nifty in theroy. I have no idea how to but I know you can grab web data! Ex:

    Grab data from
    and use two specific numbers as variables in a script.

    var1 grep from: "are set for program buying at $VALUE"
    var2 grep from: "set for program selling at $VALUE

    Use these values to draw to horizontal lines on the 1min $EPREM chart and also send two sound alerts when symbol $EPREM crosses these thresholds. The #'s on program trading .com are decimalized so I take it you'd need to * 100 after grabing the vars.

    I'm watching these EFS videos now so hopefully I wont be as helpful. I know a lot of people who do this every morning so I'm sure this would be a most helpful script! Maybe even wroth a few rice krispy treats.

    One more thing. The alerts should only play from 9:35 to 16:00. After then the #'s become in reliable and often times fire off constantly and that'd be pretty annoying.

  • #2
    Hi Geoff,

    This can be done. Please see the example in this post.


    • #3

      I read you post and sometimes I feel the need to help people out a bit. When you say the programs are unreliable after 1:15, do you know why? Its because the programs you are talking about are arbitrage programs. Basically they keep the cash and futures in line with each other, so after the cash is closed there are no arb programs, the cash is closed, there is nothing to keep in line.

      These programs are arb programs only and not fund programs that is a whole diffent thing, but maybe you already know that, just trying to help out.
      Also when you see a buy program, you dont buy it there, maybe you already know this as well, maybe not, you sell it there, that is unless the futures market is strong then you sit on your hands, or use the premium as a pull back to get into the move on.
      When the futures trades to a higher premium than cash they then sell the futures markets and buy the cash, or vice versa.
      There are a lot of school out there that teach you to buy the programs and that is not true, they teach the wrong thing.
      What happens is that even though the market may still go up , it is because of strong buying, perhaps from pit traders perhaps from funds. All the arb programs are trying to do is sell the futures to get it back in line and vice versa in a down market.I hope this helps. Also you may want to check out index futres. com as their levels are differnt than Hanks at program
      Last edited by its1111; 08-29-2006, 10:03 PM.

