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Loading an External Script

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  • Loading an External Script

    Is there a way to actually load a whole external efs and run it instead of getting one or all variables from the efs?

    By run it I mean load it just as if you'd launched it yourself.

    Looks like call and efsexternal just run it, and grab a variable from it. Heres what Im trying to do. I made a rather complex front end profit management EFS and I want apply it to the other 10 strategy scripts I have collected so I can test each ones preformance. Now I could merge these scripts togheter but that would take weeks. I've edited the other scripts so when they trade they create a variable called 'AllowTrading=true' and 'Bias=long or short'.

    Ex: Whats the best way to have my main profit management script run MACROSS.EFS and find out if the script evaluated AllowTrading to true and Bias to short or long. I'll need to run the whole script externally not just one or two of its functions. Im kinda confused on this issue. Appreciate the help. Please bypass all my other posts and get to this one first. hehehe

    There is call efsInternal, efsExternal, callFunction,efs(), and set GlobalValue. Not sure which combo to use. What about using efsExternal then in the external script using setGlobalValue so that the other script would see it. Would back tester allow this as well?


  • #2
    Here is an idea, I leave it for you to determine usefulness.

    I think I do something similar to what you are looking for, but not staying inside eSignal's controls. For Backtesting, I use C# to create a file of variable combinations. Then a small calling efs using file I/O ( 1 line at a time) to run the main code through the combinations which outputs to another file which I read with my eyes. Had problems keeping only 1 main script being called at time, so have changed directions.

    I use (free) and open source to record my mouse,keystokes and typing, primarily to download tick files. My hands were getting too sore doing it manually. A possible use for this is to add/remove a formula to each chart ( it records you as you move,type,click ). The script can be edited and lots of builtin functions(including delays) are available. I have it doing file I/O also. It takes a week or so to get comfortable with.


    • #3
      Thanks ! I'll check it out when I arise tomorrow.

