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Containers,Drop-down lists, Check boxes....

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  • Containers,Drop-down lists, Check boxes....

    I would like to attach a order entry to a study but much different then the one you can build from the "Order ticket designer"

    I want containers, Drop-down lists, Check boxes .... like you get with "Swing" in Java. And I want to run my ESF study to interact with the objects to place orders with IB in an Auto Trading System.

    Can I add Swing to ESF2 with the Function Libaries?

    Or could I attach a VB application like the "order ticket designer" does?

    I know I can have a ESF study with buttons and kind of do what I want, but I want more then buttons. I want to build something like "TSimPlus" and attach it to my study.

    Thanks for any info.

  • #2
    Hello windswepttom,

    I don't believe what you are asking for is currently possible in EFS. An external application will not have the ability to attach an external order ticket window to the Advanced Chart in the same manner that the eSiganl Attached Order Ticket window works. The eSignal application itself is not extend-able. You may however create your own custom application that uses eSignal data to accommodate your needs with our Destop API.

    The EFS function libraries are files that contain EFS code in a .efsLib file. These function libraries make it easy for multiple formula to "recycle" code so that the same function does not have to be copied and pasted to each formula. In EFS you can connect EFS to dll files and pass data to them for processing (see DLL Object). This can also be used within an EFS function library file. Not sure if this helps for the "Swing" in Java, as I'm not familiar with that.

    Also, if you'd like to see something added or changed to the Attached Order Ticket window in eSignal, please feel free to send your specific suggestions to our development team at [email protected].
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

    EFS KnowledgeBase
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    • #3

      I just read the article on dll objects and it states that the dll can be a c-type dll and doesn't have to be a com or .net dll. My question is can it be an activeX or .net dll? Previously I had thought not.

      Also within that dll is anything preventing me from creating an (GUI) interface within the dll for example to create an order ticket that could interact with a broker but using the data from an advanced chart to provide prices?



      • #4
        Hello buhrmaster,

        I don't believe the DLL object is language dependant.

        As far as GUI limitations, you should be able to create what ever the external development tool allows you to create. A dll can be used to pass data from EFS to your external app for processing.
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

        EFS KnowledgeBase
        JavaScript for EFS Video Series
        EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
        EFS Glossary
        Custom EFS Development Policy

        New User Orientation


        • #5
          Thank you for your input.
          I'm not a C programmer, so I think building DLLs is not for me. I have a late 90's VB SDK, but have never used it that much. I was a mainframe programer and never build any DLLs.

          So, I think I can build some basic containers and check boxes using buttons and arrays to get most of what I want. Sliders will be a problem.


          • #6

            My question was not concerning the language used in the implementation but regarding the structure of the dll.

            I have built dll's with VB6 and used them as add-ins to Excel for example but these are not structured the same as traditional win32 c-type dlls (which don't have to be written in C). So are you saying that both types of dlls are callable by efs javascript?

            Thanks again.


            • #7
              Hello buhrmaster,

              I was just informed by development that you will not be able to accomplish the GUI stuff you described. The dll object in EFS is intended for formula processing. Send data out for processing and returning results to EFS, not UI interfaces. Any dll should be callable, what the dll does within will have to be tested on your end.
              Jason K.
              Project Manager
              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

              EFS KnowledgeBase
              JavaScript for EFS Video Series
              EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
              EFS Glossary
              Custom EFS Development Policy

              New User Orientation

