I have an .efs formula in eSignal (7.8) that I use to output price data to a file. It has been working all the time. I re-install eSignal (7.9.1) on another computer. Now the formula doesn't output prices any longer. I don't know why?? There is no error in the formula (??). Some sample file in .efs are as fillows:
var f1 = new File(FileName);
f1.open("wt"); aLine = f1.writeln();
f1.writeln(dat[i]+" "+tim[i]+" "+opn[i]+" "+hgh[i]+" "+lww[i]+" "+cls[i]+" "+vol[i]+" ");}
I was quessing that maybe newer version of eSignal doesn't support this function??? I have no ideas. Anyone can help me on this???
var f1 = new File(FileName);
f1.open("wt"); aLine = f1.writeln();
f1.writeln(dat[i]+" "+tim[i]+" "+opn[i]+" "+hgh[i]+" "+lww[i]+" "+cls[i]+" "+vol[i]+" ");}
I was quessing that maybe newer version of eSignal doesn't support this function??? I have no ideas. Anyone can help me on this???