Is there a simple way to get the amount of days in the current Time Template? Ie im using 6 days on a 9-1600 chart. I know you can use getInterval to get the time interval of the current template. Is there a parameter for the days? Thanks!
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Can you get day amount from time template?
The Time Template is not available to efs at this time. You may want to send a suggestion to [email protected]
Having said that if you want to know how many days are loaded in a chart you can do that with a simple counter that increases by 1 at every BARSTATE_NEWBAR of getBarStateInterval("D")
Dual replies!
Thanks! I just wanted to add a check for over 30 days. If you load my current study on a chart over 30 days it takes too long to load. Even though Im using getindex and barstate. Does eSignal 'cache' all the external EFS files in a study on load? I notice if you change the contents of one while the script is running it doesn't affect that run until the script is 'reloaded'. So externalEFS just means "load it up in memory once and be at peace"?
Does eSignal 'cache' all the external EFS files in a study on load?
I notice if you change the contents of one while the script is running it doesn't affect that run until the script is 'reloaded'.
So externalEFS just means "load it up in memory once and be at peace"?