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Problem with Encryption Process Crashing eSignal

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  • Problem with Encryption Process Crashing eSignal

    I can not get esignal 8.0 to encrypt any function library without it crashing esignal. I tried an empty shell and it still crashes upon trying to encrypt it. Then I put the following code in it:

    function initLib() { }

    function shutdownLib() { }

    It still crashed. What am I doing wrong?

  • #2
    Which encryption method did you try? I use the enhanced encryption regularly and have not seen any crashes.
    Save the following function as Library Test1.efsLib in the FunctionLibrary folder and then try encrypting it with the enhanced method. I just tried it at my end and it works fine.
    PHP Code:
    function padTime(input){
    ret "0"+input;
    ret input;

    After you have encrypted it delete (or rename) the original file and remove .encrypted from the file name of the encrypted one.
    Then save the following script as an efs in Formulas (or any one of its subfolders) and run it on an intraday chart.
    PHP Code:
    var xLib addLibrary("Library Test1.efsLib");
    main() {
    debugPrintln("w/out padding  "+hour(0)+":"+minute(0));
    debugPrintln("with padding  "+xLib.padTime(hour(0))+":"+xLib.padTime(minute(0)));

    In the Formula Output window you should see the bar times with and without the 0 padding (see image below)
    If this works but you still have problems encrypting one of your libraries you may want to post it so that someone else can try to replicate the issue.


    • #3
      It works now on my file without any changes. I guess something was corrupted in my system. Maybe I rebooted since trying it last time??

      Anyways, thanks again.

