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reloadEFS options?

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  • reloadEFS options?

    When I right click and hit reload EFS I get a different result then when I just use the reloadEFS function. What is the difference and how do I create a button to truely reload the EFS just like you were doing it from the menu? hmm!


  • #2
    Hi Geoff,

    Please run the test reloadEFS(). This efs maps out which parts of the efs are run when the command is issued. Run this efs using the button, then run it by using the menu to see the differences.

    In summary, the way to make them run the same would be to select those sections of your code that you want to be re-executed, encapsulate as a function and run those functions when the reloadEFS() function is run.

    For example, you will see that if using a typical bInit global variable, this variable remains true. If you need this variable to be false, make that modification in the function calling reloadEFS() prior to executing the command.

    I could go on, but I think it will be clearer if you run the efs.

    I hope this helps


    • #3
      thx.. got it.. will check it out in 232 seconds

