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Problems with SymbolCompareAsNPS_EF2.efs

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  • Problems with SymbolCompareAsNPS_EF2.efs

    When I'm using $UVOL / $DVOL as input in this formula a horizontal line will be shown after 3:00pm. When I'm also using $UVOL / $DVOL as symbol in the main chart it seems to be OK. BUT: the last trading hour is suddenly missing!! My time template is set to 9:30am - 4:00pm.

    When I'm using only $UVOL as input for the efs the last hour will be displayed correctly, but the lenght of history is different in different timeframes:

    6 days in a 5 min chart.
    14 days in a 15 min Chart
    21 days in a 30 min Chart
    44 days in a 60 min Chart

    The full history will only be display when the symbol of the main chart is equal to the input symbol in the efs....

    Anyone who can help me with this problem please?

  • #2
    See this post for an explanation and an interim workaround to the problem of the missing hour.


    • #3
      Thank you Alex. I understand the time template issue. But what about the other issue? Open a chart with $SPX, add SymbolCompareASNPS_EFS2.efs with IBM and use a 5 min timeframe. You will see that IBM will only be displayed till 1/26. Change to 15min and it will be displayed till 1/16.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        That is the intended behavior when calling external intervals and/or symbols and the Time Template is set to Dynamic or the external interval is lower than the one on the chart. .
        You can resolve this in two ways. One is to set the Time Template to load a specific #Days/Bars while the other one is to add a setIntervalsBackfill(true) statement in the preMain function of that efs. For the description of the setIntervalsBackFill() function see this article in the EFS KnowledgeBase


        • #5
          Setting #Days in the template works fine, but when I'm using setIntervalsBackfill(true) and I'm scrolling back a certain amount of time the second chart will no longer be plotted. When I'm using 'Reload' then it starts to load and shows more data. Is this a normal behaviour? I hope I've placed the code fragment correctly in preMain():

          function preMain() {


          if (vLoaded == false) {
          setStudyTitle(" ... Add Symbol");
          setCursorLabelName("Add Symbol");
          } else {
          if (vSym != null) {
          setStudyTitle(cSym + " vs. ");
          } else {
          setStudyTitle(" ... Add Symbol");
          setCursorLabelName("Add Symbol");


          • #6

            ...when I'm using setIntervalsBackfill(true) and I'm scrolling back a certain amount of time the second chart will no longer be plotted. When I'm using 'Reload' then it starts to load and shows more data. Is this a normal behaviour?
            As I understand it that is the intended behavior. setIntervalsBackfill(true) will load all the required data when the efs is first run or it is reloaded but it does not request more data for the external symbol when the chart is scrolled back and is in Dynamic mode

            I hope I've placed the code fragment correctly in preMain()
            You have. Keep in mind that if you set the Time Template to load a specific #Days/Bars you do not need to use setIntervalsBackfill().


            • #7
              OK. Thanks for your efforts


              • #8
                You are most welcome

