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Renko charts

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  • Renko charts

    When a formula (any basic study) is loaded on a Renko chart, the formula is not correctly updated when two or more new Renko bars (n>1) come in. The formula each time lags behind with n-1 bars. When reloading the formula, the formula is in sync with the Renko chart. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround without reloading (reloadEFS) the the formula each time? If it is a bug when will this be fixed?

  • #2
    Hello mvdberg,

    Yes, this is a known bug. There isn't a work around for this. An ETA for fixing this bug has not yet been set. If you'd like to cast a request for getting this one fixed, please feel free to submit a request to
    Jason K.
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    • #3
      Have the issues with Renko charts been resolved with 10.5

      I'm seeing similiar issues in 10.5 and wondering if the various Renko issues reported in the past have been resolved pr still outstanding?


      Last edited by demarcog; 08-26-2009, 04:27 PM.
      Glen Demarco


      • #4
        Indicator drift with Renko and range

        I am having similar problems still in version 10.6 with my custom efs indicators and purchased efs indicators drifting on renko charts. It seems to also not update properly on range charts.

        Has this been addressed or fixed somewhere? I notice this has been an issue for many years.

        I have requested a fix or workaround to the email you suggested.

        I have moved the interval to "1 Tick" but that doesn't help my indicator drift.

        Thank you,

