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Standard Daily Pivots Code Request ?

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  • Standard Daily Pivots Code Request ?


    I am after (free) code that plots horizontal lines on an intraday chart that represent the projection of current days highs/lows from the previous two days high, and low.

    Pivot One : That is two days ago high through yesterdays high projected to todays intraday chart.

    Pivot Two : That is two days ago high through yesterdays low projected to todays intraday chart.

    Pivot Three : That is two days ago low through yesterdays low projected to todays intraday chart.

    Pivot Four : That is two days ago low through yesterdays high projected to todays intraday chart.

    These are standard floor pivots, so someone must have code for them, please share it. I do not need any flash pivot calc, all I am after is the standard pivots.

    Thanks for reading me !

  • #2
    Please explain...


    Please explain your request in a little more detail. I don't understand the "through" portion of your statements - two days ago high THROUGH yesterdays low plotted to today???

    Thanks again,

    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Basic pivot points formula I am after is :

      For the pivot points for the next trading day.

      High to High and Low to Low
      HH = (high today - high Yesterday)+high today
      LL = (Low today - low Yesterday)+low today

      High to low and low to high
      HL = (high today - low Yesterday)+high today
      LH = (low today - high Yesterday)+low today

      The above are the basic ones, the next are a bit new...

      High to High parallel and Low to Low Parallel
      HHP = (high today - high Yesterday)+low today
      LLP = (Low today - low Yesterday)+high today

      High to High parallel inverted and Low to Low Parallel inverted
      HHPI = (high today - high Yesterday)-low today
      LLPI = (Low today - low Yesterday)-high today.

      These calculations are to be based on Daily, weekly and monthly high and low data for the next trading period respectively.

      So if pivot was based on daily data it would be called HHD, if based on weekly then HHW, monthly HHM.

      If you wish to program this for all to use that would be great. If so could you consider a Command button control in the chart to allow turning on and off pivots for daily, weekly and monthly respectively.

      So any chance of some code, thanks


      • #4
        Also if they could be view as lines on intra day chart, and also daily chart ...

