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Same efs is getting different results???

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  • Same efs is getting different results???

    I am a long time programmer. But, new to JavaScript and EFS. I have written a EFS script for my friend in TX (I am in Portland OR). It is a Stochastic & RSI double dip signal. I get a different result than my friend does. I assume it is because of a option setting (or something?). I have attached my source. In one instance, the Stochastic dip below the 20% bar is seventeen % on one snapshot and about 7% in the other. I know that by changing the volume interval the calulation of the K% changes... but I believe it is 233V in both cases. What other things should I check in the eSignal settings???

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello Robert,

    EFS does not have any control over how the bars are built. As far as I know there aren't any application settings that will synchronize the chart data between two applications in different locations. This is an issue that should be posted to the Data Inquires or eSignal forum.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
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