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how do I get opening day price?

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  • how do I get opening day price?

    I am having a problem, I can't get the opening price for TGT this morning (5/23/06). In my esignal quote window, I see the opening price correctly as 60.35.

    However, when I call esignal open() and getValueAbsolute("open"), I don't get either of these prices.

    this code:

    var o = getValueAbsolute("open",0,1,"TGT=N,D");
    var o2 = open(0,sym("TGT=N,D"));
    debugPrintln("OPEN:"+o+" OPEN2:"+o2);


    OPEN: 58.44 // believe this is yesterday's open
    OPEN2: 57.45 // have no idea where this comes from

    Why is this happening? What function should I call to get the opening day price?

    I'm really frustrated right now because from reading the documentation, my understanding is that both of the above functions should return the opening day price... but since neither is and they're both returning different values I'm totally lost.


  • #2
    From what I am seeing at my end both your methods are returning the correct values (see enclosed screenshots).


    • #3
      ok, it's an =N problem... gotta be bug?


      thank you so much for doing this test, it was very helpful to me. What version of esignal are you running? When I run the same test with symbol =N filter turned on, I do not get the results you get... I get incorrect results even though the opening print at 60.35 was an NYSE print.

      Am I correct in assuming that the opening print should always be an NYSE print since the open is defined by the NYSE market open?

      Perhaps someone from esignal could explain why =N is filtering out the NYSE opening print on my esignal version but not on alexis'?

      However if I turn off the =N, I get the correct value for the open.

      Attached are images of getValue, getValueAbsolute and open both with =N and without =N for TGT today.

      I guess I can strip out the =N on these open calls, but this seems kind of hokey so I'd like an explanation if anyone has any ideas...

      thanks again alexis...



      • #4
        You are most welcome. I am using eSignal version 8.0 (build 782)
        Try running the following script.
        PHP Code:
        function main(){
        xDate day(0,sym("TGT=N,D"));

        It should return today's date ie 23 as the most recent value [as shown in the enclosed screenshot]

        At your end however it may return yesterday's date ie 22 as the last value. If that is the case then this would suggest that your daily chart for TGT=N did not reset and is not plotting today's bar. Try opening a new daily chart for that symbol and check the date for the most recent bar. If it is still showing May 22 then try refreshing the chart (ie pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the green OK in the Cursor Window). At that point you should see today's bar being plotted on the daily chart and at the same time the appropriate values being returned by the scripts that call that symbol


        • #5
          ok you found the problem, still no solution though...


          you hit the nail on the head... except I still can't solve it.

          when I run the script it never processes today, never gets past 22 on the day.

          I've tried reloading the chart, opening a new chart, clicking ctrl+OK on cursor window, combinations of all of the above. even removed all the other studies on a new chart and clicking control ok.... it will never process today's date.

          I'm running the same esignal version and build as you...

          any ideas?


          • #6
            You may want to try restarting eSignal and the Data Manager and see if that resolves the issue.
            If the problem persists I would suggest contacting eSignal's support (through LiveRep) as this is a data issue


            • #7

              thanks alex... the problem went away yesterday but it's back again today... weird because it only happens on certain symbols, but not all... and it only shows lagged dates in EFS and on chart cursor window, but not chart snapshot window or in the quote window, and the data is fine when I checkout the symbol in data manager symbol monitor tool.

              restarting data manager, reloading the chart or doing ctrl+OK on chart doesn't correct the problem. I took a screenshot and posted to this forum, where I'm talking to jason from esignal about this problem:

              thanks for all your help.

