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VB6 EFS Object DLL

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  • VB6 EFS Object DLL

    The following quote is taken from the EFS Knowledge base under EFS Objects about the DLL object.

    eSignal provides Support only for EFS connections made to C++ and Visual Basic 6 dll files.
    I know eSignal does not support the code in the DLL, but is there anyone who can tell me straight up how to call a VB6 DLL using this method. I small generic code example would be great, but not needed. I have trying for a few days without success.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • #2
    Hello Tim,

    Please try a forum search on some keyword phrases such as, VB* AND DLL or Visual AND DLL. You should find several threads that you may find helpful.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

    EFS KnowledgeBase
    JavaScript for EFS Video Series
    EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
    EFS Glossary
    Custom EFS Development Policy

    New User Orientation


    • #3
      sorry for not posting that i have already tried this not much success. i must not know how to search for this. see below responses i have found from different threads. if this is a supported function a small template would go a long way. it seems others have run into the same issue.

      from this thread

      It is not clear to me how managed code is supposed to work in eSignal.
      yes. my programmers have gotten .NET dlls to work with esignal. We use .NET for my MENT Trader Services application.
      Anyone found the solution to this problem yet?
      i one c# which requires decompiling the dll and using an $80 product to recompile it.
      and in this thread

      Your EFS syntax looks fine. I'm not a C# developer
      I tried that but it still complains about not being able to find the SendNotification function in my DLL
      After looking into this further I'm begining to wonder if it's even possible. C# is a managed language, and exposing managed functions to unmanaged code (JavaScript) is not a trivial thing.
      and from this thread

      I want to know, how to put a simple efs-function to a dll to have a save version of my indicator,
      Please review our reference article for the DLL Object.
      and this thread

      Your other documentation gives instructions for VB as well. Is there any difference that I need to be concerned with if I plan to program these in VB?
      You should not have any problems using a VB dll.


      • #4
        ok i guess i can't see the forest through the trees here is what i have done.

        vb code
        PHP Code:
        Public Function test123() As String
            Dim s 
        As String
        test123 s

        EFS Code
        PHP Code:
        var dObj = new DLL("vb6_dll.dll");

        preMain() {

        main() {

        I have tried registering and not registring the DLL
        I have used DLL.CDECL & DLL.STDCALL
        I have tried both a STATIC and non static function call in VB.

        I have tried every combination of the above and always get the same error

        line 14: Internal Error: DLL(vb6_dll.dll), Function(test123) was not found.

        please help.


        • #5

          Hello BugBoy,

          Please review the information posted in this thread, which appears to be dealing with the same problem you're describing. Hope this helps.
          Jason K.
          Project Manager
          eSignal - an Interactive Data company

          EFS KnowledgeBase
          JavaScript for EFS Video Series
          EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
          EFS Glossary
          Custom EFS Development Policy

          New User Orientation


          • #6
            I would suggest you removed the statement that esignal "supports" vb6 dll.

            i guess by "support" you mean either purchasing a $250 3rd party hack program or writting it in another language. doesn't sound like support to me.

            my .02

