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drawTextRelative() and removeText() are buggy in eSignal 1086

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  • drawTextRelative() and removeText() are buggy in eSignal 1086

    The API functions drawTextRelative() and removeText() are buggy in eSignal build 1086.

    I did not test all the scenarios and combination of all flags, just a few which I used in my scripts. Generally speaking, when draw texts with drawTextRelative( ......., Text.RELATIVETOLEFT, ......),
    if the function is called when getBarState() == BARSTATE_ALLBARS, the text is not displayed on charts, while in other cases such as the last bar is already on chart, then the texts do be shown on charts, but THEY CAN NOT BE REMOVED BY removeText() and clearText().

    I think these bugs are introduced while eSignal was trying to fix the existing text flashing bug. But shouldn't some basic testing be done to make sure the code modification does not introduce more bugs especially the functions closely related to the code being modified?

    BTW, the text flashing bug still appears in some scenarios.

    - Clearpicks
    Attached Files
    Last edited by clearpicks; 01-09-2008, 12:47 PM.

  • #2
    The testing efs should be run on $SPX chart because it draws texts at y = 1400 and y = 1380.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Hello Clearpicks,

      Thank you for reporting these problems. I have entered two bug reports to our development team. We'll try to get these fixed in one of the next releases.

      There are two different problems. However, they are both related to the use of the .RELATIVETOLEFT flag. Text, Shapes and Images are affected.

      When drawing objects at BARSTATE_ALLBARS with the flag and the drawTextRelative() function, the objects are being drawn but the anchor point is to the left of the viewable area of the chart. The work-around for this scenario is to use drawTextAbsolute().

      The second bug is that the remove...() and clear...() functions for Text, Shapes and Images is broken if the object was established with the .RELATIVETOLEFT flag. Removing the .RELATIVETOLEFT flag from the draw....Relative() or draw...Absolute() functions will allow the remove...() and clear...() functions to remove the objects properly. There isn't a work-around for this one.

      With regards to the text flashing issue, please post a test script (in a new thread also please) that reproduces this on your end and I'll investigate further.
      Jason K.
      Project Manager
      eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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      • #4

        I upload an EFS to reproduce the flashing text bug. The text only flashes when it overlaps with the last bar (which is being updated).

        I will post it in a seperate thread also.

        - Clearpicks
        Attached Files

