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drawLineRelative() does not work correctly in esignal 1086

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  • drawLineRelative() does not work correctly in esignal 1086

    I did a few more tests and find out all lines drawn by EFS are put on top of price bars, which is very annoying. Apply the following script to esignal 1086 and older version you may see the difference. In esignal 1086, bars are hiden by lines drawn by EFS while in older esignal they are still visible.

    I opened the study properties editing window, and in older esingal, the symbol (price) study (candlestick configuration) is always listed as the first in study dropdown list, while in esignal 1086, it is shown as the last one, which means in esignal 1086 any objects created by EFS are drawn on top of candlestick bars. This also explain the reason why setDefaultBarBgColor() no longer works as before. Please fix this as soon as possible.

    - Clearpicks

    function preMain()

    function main()
    if ( getCurrentBarIndex() >= -10 && getCurrentBarIndex() <= -5 ) {
    drawLineRelative(-1, close(-1)* 1.1, -1, close(-1) * 0.90, PS_SOLID, 7,, getCurrentBarIndex());

  • #2
    Hello Clearpicks,

    This is related to the z-order issue found with setBarBgColor(). Once the z-order issue is resolved, the original behavior of drawLineRelative() should be restored as well. This will be corrected in the next release.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #3
      The function associated with a button using @URL-EFS:xxx can not be executed if the button is drawn using drawTextAbsolute() and drawTextRelative(). This might also be caused by the z-order bug. It is not a problem for buttons drawn by drawTextPixel().

      - Clearpicks

      Originally posted by JasonK
      Hello Clearpicks,

      This is related to the z-order issue found with setBarBgColor(). Once the z-order issue is resolved, the original behavior of drawLineRelative() should be restored as well. This will be corrected in the next release.

