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drawTextRelative barIndex maximum?

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  • drawTextRelative barIndex maximum?

    I have the attached EFS script that reads a simple text file and then marks the "buy" and "sell" signals on the chart.

    An example of the format of the text file is this:
    "1D BUY @ 12715 1/15/2008 9:32:01 AM"
    "1D SELL @ 12720 1/15/2008 9:33:02 AM"

    It is intended to be run on a 1minute chart of YM #F, using a 7:15-16:15 time template.

    The bug/problem I am running into is that it does not print any of the buy or sell markers whenever the barIndex parameter for drawTextRelative (see line 65 in the code) is larger than -400 (given by the parameter called "shift").

    Is there some inherent limit for the barIndex parameter for drawTextRelative, that it cannot be greater than -400 ?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    do yourself a favor and change your file to a comma delimited file with all dates and times fixed to a proper value.

    I use this to format all my date/time variables for comparison.

    PHP Code:
    //  Get Time Variables 
    var vTime = new Date();
    vRTHour vTime.getHours();
    vRTMin vTime.getMinutes();
    vRTSec vTime.getSeconds();
    //  vDOW = vTime.getDay();
    //  Get Time Variables 
    vTime getValue("Time"0);
    vHour vTime.getHours();
    vMin vTime.getMinutes();
    vSec vTime.getSeconds();
    vDay vTime.getDate();
    vMonth vTime.getMonth() +1
    vDOW vTime.getDay();
    vYear vTime.getYear();
    nTimeMin = (vHour*60)+vMin;
    nTime = (vHour*100)+vMin;
    vRTTimeMin = (vRTHour*60)+vRTMin;
    nRTTimeMin = (vRTHour*100)+vRTMin;
    vtDate ""+vmonth+""+vDay+""+(vYear+1900); 
    Notice that all the date and time variables are stored as follows.

    6AM = 600
    11:59AM = 1159
    12:01PM = 1201
    1500PM = 1500

    04/10/07 = 4102007
    05/15/08 = 5152008

    Now, making comparisons on values like these will greatly improve your ability to write cleaner code because you make one or two comparisons instead of more.

    For example.
    // as strings
    if ((filedate == vtDate) && (filetime == (""+nTime )) {


    // as numbers
    if ((parseFloat(filedate) == (vtDate*1)) && (parseFloat(filetime) == nTime) {


    What I'm trying to teach you is a better way of handling all the date/time functions in your code.

    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Re: drawTextRelative barIndex maximum?


      Is there some inherent limit for the barIndex parameter for drawTextRelative, that it cannot be greater than -400 ?
      Not that I am aware of (see enclosed screenshot)

      Originally posted by f1sh7
      I have the attached EFS script that reads a simple text file and then marks the "buy" and "sell" signals on the chart.

      An example of the format of the text file is this:
      "1D BUY @ 12715 1/15/2008 9:32:01 AM"
      "1D SELL @ 12720 1/15/2008 9:33:02 AM"

      It is intended to be run on a 1minute chart of YM #F, using a 7:15-16:15 time template.

      The bug/problem I am running into is that it does not print any of the buy or sell markers whenever the barIndex parameter for drawTextRelative (see line 65 in the code) is larger than -400 (given by the parameter called "shift").

      Is there some inherent limit for the barIndex parameter for drawTextRelative, that it cannot be greater than -400 ?


      • #4
        Thanks, fellas, both of you.

        It appears it was a quirk of YM (being translated exchanges) and eSignal now has it fixed.

        I don't know what eSignal did, but the same code that did not work right since Monday (when YM moved exchanges), now works correctly.

        Thanks, anyway, for your time and suggestions.


