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  • #16
    I don't think that is the case here. I know Jay or other esignal people would respond here if there was more to add. Alex, myself and a number of other qualified people monitor these boards to try to help people. eSignal technical support people are not very skilled EFS programmers, they are eSignal's front line support for all of their users.

    When you get into things like "how do I do this with EFS?", eSignal generally lets us "General EFS Support" people try to help, then kick in if they have a better solution or know more info that can help.

    I started helping people with EFS in 2000 and have continued (on and off as my schedule allows). Alex has been pretty much a "constant" and is very much appreciated.

    You might consider developing something "outside" of the esignal platform that still uses eSignal data. This would allow you to build "any solution you like" within the constraints of their Desktop API.

    Again, good luck.
    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #17
      I'm not saying that in the past I haven't been given help on this (EFS) board, but it is also the case that not all of my recent posts here have been answered, or even acknowledged, eg see "multi-interval NEWBAR sync query (ComputeOnClose())", a post which took a lot of time to document for instance.

      I accept that we nowadays trade "free support" (here, by eSignal employees, associates and users, a cost saving for us users and eSignal) with "free testing", by the likes of myself, a cost saving for eSignal, and that happens with other programs of course.

      But my current problem is what now appears to be a significant lack of testing of the new releases and hence an unwarranted wasting of my time (and then there is the whole tick server saga) - I pay money to use the product, not to debug it (both EFS and general operation). I'm fed up. And to find that no one is even interested in knowing what is going on with the crash problem I have found (after many hours wasted time again) is just insulting. If that is not "[being forced to] work within the constraints" I don't know what is. And I note it is not just myself who is getting increasingly frustrated.


      • #18
        I've been supporting eSignal since 2000 (approx). I have in those years seen esignal be very responsive to many of the immediate needs of their clients (including me).

        Developing an application like esignal is not easy and with any major release, there are bound to be bugs and issues associated with it. It's part of the pond we play in.

        With regards to your frustration and technical issues, I suggest that esignal handle these directly as I'm not an employee of esignal and thus don't want to say anything that can be confused. I suggest you dial their support number and explain your situation.

        Good luck.

        Last edited by Doji3333; 02-20-2008, 12:26 PM.
        Brad Matheny
        eSignal Solution Provider since 2000

