Signal 10.0.
Will take a while to produce a simple example of what causes eSig to crash (not even a "Crash Report" dialog), but the basic scenario is
within a try{}
new File
open actual file
read it
close it, but keep File object
... time passes , file is added to ..
open actual file again
setPosition to previous length
boom! that code line does not return. So not much chance of reading the data.
A bodge is to proceed to the previous position by reading it
Ideally eSignal can establish existence of this bug without further input from me.
Will take a while to produce a simple example of what causes eSig to crash (not even a "Crash Report" dialog), but the basic scenario is
within a try{}
new File
open actual file
read it
close it, but keep File object
... time passes , file is added to ..
open actual file again
setPosition to previous length
boom! that code line does not return. So not much chance of reading the data.
A bodge is to proceed to the previous position by reading it
Ideally eSignal can establish existence of this bug without further input from me.