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EFS web site authorization problem

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  • EFS web site authorization problem

    I have an EFS that I have been using for a few years. It is encrypted and also checks a web site for the user id before enabling the EFS. It works fine on my desktop. I transfered the EFS to my laptop, closed my desktop and booted eSignal on my laptop but the EFS wont enable. I moved the encrypted script over 3 times thinking that was the problem but it still wouldn't enable. I even tried it with the firewall down but no changes.

    Any ideas why it works for years on every pc but now it wont work on my laptop (where it used to)? Thanks.

  • #2
    I haven't done much with EFS encryption but I'm pretty sure it uses our fileshare area for the authorization. Could it be that you have a different path structure on your laptop?

    Can you contact the author of the EFS? They would know the path needed to entitle.



    • #3
      Can you explain what is meant by "different path structure on your laptop." It is the same EFS. I just transfered the code from one laptop to another. How would I entitle the path? Thanks.


      • #4
        Hello trend,

        It sounds like your laptop is not able to access the website where the entitlement file resides. It is not able to open the file for some reason. It could be a firewall issue or it could be related to your Internet security settings in your browser. Compare your settings on your laptop vs your desktop.

        Also, what operating system is on these two machines?
        What browser are you using on these two machines?
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

        EFS KnowledgeBase
        JavaScript for EFS Video Series
        EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
        EFS Glossary
        Custom EFS Development Policy

        New User Orientation


        • #5
          Both machines use teh same o/s and browser (IE and win XP Media Center service pack 2). The web site opens in the browser on both and I tried it with the firewall off an dstill couldn't enable. I will check the settings cause this makes no sense.

          Any other ideas? Thanks.


          • #6
            Hello trend,

            Are you using the same eSignal login on both machines?
            Jason K.
            Project Manager
            eSignal - an Interactive Data company

            EFS KnowledgeBase
            JavaScript for EFS Video Series
            EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
            EFS Glossary
            Custom EFS Development Policy

            New User Orientation


            • #7
              both machines are using eSignal 8.0, build 782.


              • #8

                Hello trend,

                I was referring to your eSignal account login (username/password). Do you have more than one account? Are you using the same login on both machines? If so, make sure eSignal is not running on the desktop machine while you are running eSignal on your laptop.

                Does the formula still enable properly on your desktop?
                Jason K.
                Project Manager
                eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                EFS KnowledgeBase
                JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
                EFS Glossary
                Custom EFS Development Policy

                New User Orientation


                • #9
                  I have only one account. I made sure the other machine had already logged off eSignal. It still works on my desktop.

                  I dumped my cookies, temp inet files, added the web site to IE as "Allow" and killed my fire wall. The laptop is plugged by the same wire into the same router as the desktop and yet I still can not get the EFS to enable. I even boot up a browser with the web page to show it can open, and that doesn't help. I think I have done everything but its driving me nut.

                  Thanks for your help.



                  • #10
                    Hello Trend,

                    This is indeed puzzling. I have sent an inquiry to our developers to see if they have some additional ideas for us to check.

                    In the mean time, can you describe your network setup. For example, is your router connected to a network within a business on a proxy server or connected directly to a cable modem? If you are on some type of proxy server, your new laptop may need to have some special permissions setup for the eSignal application. If this is the case then take a look at the following article from our KB, Firewall and Proxy Server Configuration.

                    I'm pretty sure that the entitlement function (addEntitlement()) uses port 80, but since you're able to access the same url for the text file through your browser it indicates that this port is open. One thing you could try is the embedded browser. For example, in eSignal click on the Support menu and select Service and Support and see if the web page loads properly.
                    Jason K.
                    Project Manager
                    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

                    EFS KnowledgeBase
                    JavaScript for EFS Video Series
                    EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
                    EFS Glossary
                    Custom EFS Development Policy

                    New User Orientation


                    • #11
                      Jason - If you thought it was puzzling before, grab a seat. First, my set up is a standard router into a cable modem. No network setup.

                      As you requested, I went to the support menu and the browser opened immediatlely. So I figured I would try and reload each of teh 4 indicators. I was able to relaod 1 indicator and it enabled. But I could not enable a second one.

                      So I closed the browser and reopened it again. Again I was able to reload and enable 1 and only 1 indicator. I am not able to enable the 4th indicator. The order I enable them doesnt matter either.

                      Any ideas more than welcome. This is a head scratcher. Thanks.



                      • #12
                        After rebooting I was able to reload and enable all 4 indicators in a 1 chart set up. I still had to close the browser after opening each indicator.

