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  • whitespace


    How is write the text on whitespace with EFS ? or how is use it ?

    drawtextAbsolute ? or whatever ?
    Last edited by ahmetdem; 09-30-2007, 05:33 AM.

  • #2
    Which whitespace are you referring to?
    If you mean the Whitespaces that are added to a chart when clicking Chart Options-> View-> Whitespace then you may want to review the enclosed excerpt from the Readme file which is located in the eSignal folder
    ...Advanced Chart White Space - We've added a new feature under the View menu on the Advanced Chart right click to add Whitespace. This causes the chart to create a space any time there's a bar period without any activity instead of eliminating each of these periods from the chart.
    The value of this is when you want to be able to maintain trendline slopes or parallel lines when switching time frames. Since this is just space created for intervals periods that don't really exist for a symbol, you will not be able to start or end any drawing tools in a blank area. You can draw a line through the area as long as the endpoints are not in a blank area. Studies will not be aware of the space, so will only count bar periods where there's currently activity which keep them the same with or without the white space being displayed...
    If instead you mean the space to the right of the last bar on the chart then you can use any of the drawTextXxx() functions and use a value of 1 (or higher) as the x coordinate

    Originally posted by ahmetdem

    How is write the text on whitespace with EFS ? or how is use it ?

    drawtextAbsolute ? or whatever ?

