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Storage/Access of Scripts

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  • Storage/Access of Scripts

    Hi. I am a new eSignal user and fairly new to trading. The little coding I have done previously was using IB's DDE/Excel/vBasic, where all my code was on my hard drive and I was the only one able to access it.

    I love what I have seen of eSignal so far, but can someone explain the storage of my scripts, including what prevents an eSignal employee from viewing them?

    My apologies in advance if this is covered elsewhere (I did try searching the forums but no luck).

  • #2
    Re: Storage/Access of Scripts

    All EFS scripts are stored on your hard drive if that is what you are asking

    Originally posted by Belle
    Hi. I am a new eSignal user and fairly new to trading. The little coding I have done previously was using IB's DDE/Excel/vBasic, where all my code was on my hard drive and I was the only one able to access it.

    I love what I have seen of eSignal so far, but can someone explain the storage of my scripts, including what prevents an eSignal employee from viewing them?

    My apologies in advance if this is covered elsewhere (I did try searching the forums but no luck).


    • #3
      Thank you Alex. Yes, I just put eSignal on my XP system and I see it on my hard drive now. I'm still confused about AppData\Roaming in Vista but rather than explaining it to me, could you just verify that our scripts are not accessible by eSignal employees?


      • #4
        Hello Belle,

        Take comfort in knowing that your scripts are safe, secure and not accessible by anyone other then you because they are stored on your own computer. The fact that you see the files even when you're not logged in to eSignal lets you know they are locally stored on that particular machines and that machine only.

        If anyone else has your scripts it would be because you've given them away.

        When it comes to Vista, and the VirtualStores, it is Microsoft’s way of protecting the operating system during a crash and recovery, and it also prevents your files from being accidental being deleted.

        eSignal Support


        • #5
          Thank you Avery!


          • #6
            You're very welcome.

            eSignal Support

