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view alternate interval without refresh?

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  • view alternate interval without refresh?


    I have an automated trade managment EFS and I would like to be able to view alternate intervals without exiting the formula and reinitializing the script.

    One idea is to have a series of buttons on the side of the chart (say 2m, 5m, 15m) that when pressed would toggle the view to the corresponding selected interval period.

    It is important that the EFS not reinitialize so that the trade can continue to be managed by the script across the various time intervals.

    Is this possible?

    Any help or insight would be much appreciated.

    Last edited by rdehavelyn; 06-08-2009, 01:39 PM.

  • #2
    sure, this is possible.

    There are two ways I would suggest doing it..

    A. Build a (MCP) "Master control program" that communicated with global values to the "child" efs script. This MCP can have buttons, pass data, indicators or other info back to the child efs.

    B. Build your efs to include buttons that control the intervals you want tracked internally. I believe making a subsequent call to a data source/indicator or other with a different interval in EFS would not destroy the operation of the efs. It might use a bit more memory, but if you reset esignal every 24~48 hours it should be OK.

    I've done things like this and it can be done. I suggest you develop a proto-type efs with buttons to play with before you try to develop the completed project.
    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Doji, please, could you do a simple example of the second choice?
      Thank you.
      And more, what kind of instruction do you use to refresh drawed buttons without having to wait incoming market data?
      I tried recalling main() function - but in this way the currentbar becomes a newbar.


      • #4
        Well, I tried to post something for you to review earlier, but the forum bounced my reply. So let's try again..

        Here is a simple MA example.
        Attached Files
        Brad Matheny
        eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


        • #5
          Hi Doji, thank you for your answer.
          I'll try to understand it later because for now I don't know the meanings of offsetSeries and getSeries.

