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Question on how to stop updating during Regular Trading Hour for trades plot

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  • Question on how to stop updating during Regular Trading Hour for trades plot


    I have an efs to plot trades on the charts.
    I apply this study on a ES 2min charts with RTH time template ( 9:30am - 16:15pm )

    If I view the plot outside RTH it work fine. But during RTH it shift the line everytime a new 2 min bar close.

    What do I need to add/change to the code to stop shifting the line.

    Thank you


    PHP Code:

    Tony Hariman  August 2nd 2009

    The goal for this program is to load csv file from my trading platform and plot the entry exit on the charts.

    This is what the csv file look like:
    "Entry Time","Exit Time","Symbol","Side","Quantity","Entry Price","Exit Price","P/L","Gross Profit","Net Profit","Time in Trade","MAE","MFE","Strategy","Live/Simulation","Trade #"
    "7/28/2009 9:49:58 AM","7/28/2009 9:53:10 AM","ES","Long",1,978.25,977,-1.25,-62.5,-67.3,"03:11",-1,.25,"Default Strategy","Live",1
    "7/28/2009 10:03:29 AM","7/28/2009 10:16:06 AM","ES","Short",1,974.5,970.5,4,200,195.2,"12:37",-1,3.75,"Default Strategy","Live",2
    "7/28/2009 10:37:55 AM","7/28/2009 10:39:30 AM","ES","Short",1,971.5,972.5,-1,-50,-54.8,"01:35",-1,0,"Default Strategy","Live",3

    So far I'm concentrating on plotting the trade in the charts

    I use perl to convert the csv file to GoLong and GoShort and copy paste to this efs
    This perl will also round down to the nearest 2 min bar chart for the entry and exit time.

    I get the logic for this efs from one of the users in the forum.


    function preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Trades Plot");

    Index null;
    BeginIndex null;
    cntr 0;
    cntr2 0;
    vDay null;
    vMonth null;

    main() {
    vTime = new Date();
    vTime getValue("Time"0);
    vDay vTime.getDate();
    vMonth vTime.getMonth() + 1;

    Index getCurrentBarIndex();

    BarHr getHour();
    BarMin getMinute();
    BarSec getSecond();
    CurrentTime BarHr 10000 BarMin 100 BarSec 1;

    GoLong(7239540095600956.00957.00); // 95537 95609 1
    GoLong(723110000110200968.50969.50); // 110121 110342 1
    GoLong(723111000111400970.50972.00); // 111113 111419 1.5
    GoShort(727101200101400974.50972.25); // 101204 101429 2.25
    GoShort(727103000104800971.25970.25); // 103002 104832 1
    GoLong(727110000111000971.25971.75); // 110111 111102 .5
    GoShort(728100200101600974.50970.50); // 100329 101606 4
    GoShort(7299500095600969.75969.00); // 95147 95609 .75
    GoLong(7309520095400984.25987.25); // 95204 95512 3
    GoLong(730103800103800993.00993.50); // 103800 103815 .5
    return null;

    GoLong(LongMonthLongDayLongEntryTimeLongExitTimeLongEntryPriceLongExitPrice) {
        if (
    vMonth == LongMonth && vDay == LongDay) {

            if (
    CurrentTime == LongEntryTime) {
    BeginIndex Index;
    cntr2 += 1;
    drawShapeAbsolute(Index 1LongEntryPriceShape.RIGHTARROWnullColor.blueShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOPcntr2);
            if (
    CurrentTime == LongExitTime) {
    cntr += 1;
                if (
    LongEntryTime == LongExitTime) {  // draw line if trade happen in the same bar
                    //drawShapeAbsolute( Index-1 , LongEntryPrice, Shape.RIGHTARROW, null, Color.yellow, Shape.LEFT | Shape.ONTOP, null );
    drawLineAbsolute(BeginIndex 1LongEntryPriceIndex"Line" cntr);
    cntr += 1;
    drawLineAbsolute(BeginIndex 1LongExitPriceIndex"Line" cntr);
                } else {
    drawLineAbsolute("Line" cntr);
    cntr2 += 1;
    drawShapeAbsolute(Index 1LongExitPriceShape.LEFTARROWnullColor.blueShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOPcntr2);


    GoShort(ShortMonthShortDayShortEntryTimeShortExitTimeShortEntryPriceShortExitPrice) {
        if (
    vMonth == ShortMonth && vDay == ShortDay) {

    //debugPrintln( "  CurrentTime:" + CurrentTime + " Entry:" + ShortEntryTime + " Exit:" + ShortExitTime);
    if (CurrentTime == ShortEntryTime) {
    BeginIndex Index;
    cntr2 += 1;
    drawShapeAbsolute(Index 1ShortEntryPriceShape.RIGHTARROWnullColor.yellowShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOPcntr2);
            if (
    CurrentTime == ShortExitTime) {
    cntr += 1;

                if (
    ShortEntryTime == ShortExitTime) { // draw line if trade happen in the same bar
                    //drawShapeAbsolute( Index-1 , ShortEntryPrice, Shape.RIGHTARROW, null, Color.yellow, Shape.LEFT | Shape.ONTOP, null );
    drawLineAbsolute(BeginIndex 1ShortEntryPriceIndex"Line" cntr);
    cntr += 1;
    drawLineAbsolute(BeginIndex 1ShortExitPriceIndex"Line" cntr);
                } else {
    drawLineAbsolute(BeginIndexShortEntryPriceIndexShortExitPricePS_SOLID2Color.yellow"Line" cntr);
    cntr2 += 1;
    drawShapeAbsolute(Index 1ShortExitPriceShape.LEFTARROWnullColor.yellowShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOPcntr2);


  • #2
    Try changing your Draw functions to DrawLineRelative or DrawShapeRelative functions.

    I'm not sure if the problem is within your code or something related to the new esignal release. There have been reports of "shifting graphics" with the RTS indicator. So maybe this is something internal.

    My advice would be to change the ABSOLUTE to RELATIVE functions and see if this helps.
    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Originally posted by Doji3333
      Try changing your Draw functions to DrawLineRelative or DrawShapeRelative functions.

      I'm not sure if the problem is within your code or something related to the new esignal release. There have been reports of "shifting graphics" with the RTS indicator. So maybe this is something internal.

      My advice would be to change the ABSOLUTE to RELATIVE functions and see if this helps.
      Thank you for you help. I think it is more of logic that need to be change. I tried the Relative but with that it look like that I also need to change the logic.



      • #4
        You might choose to enclose your main code functions within a statement that determines if the current BAR TIME is within the times you want being drawn.

        You already have the following variables in your code.

        BarHr = getHour();
        BarMin = getMinute();

        Using these, you can easily create a time value I like to use for simple time functions - like this..

        var nBarTime = (BarHr*100)+BarMin;

        This will return values like 800, 1115, 1315 based on the current bar on the chart.

        Using this new "nBarTime" variable, you can create a simple routine to check if code function is allowed or not... like this...

        var Allowed2Operate = ((nBarTime >= 630) && (nBarTime <= 1315));

        This will check to see if the current bar time is between 6:30AM and 13:15PM. If so, then it will return TRUE.

        So all you have to do is then use this "conditional" value in the MAIN portion of your code... like this...

        if (Allowed2Operate) {
        // do whatever in here

        Hope this helps.
        Brad Matheny
        eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


        • #5
          Originally posted by Doji3333
          You might choose to enclose your main code functions within a statement that determines if the current BAR TIME is within the times you want being drawn.

          You already have the following variables in your code.

          BarHr = getHour();
          BarMin = getMinute();

          Using these, you can easily create a time value I like to use for simple time functions - like this..

          var nBarTime = (BarHr*100)+BarMin;

          This will return values like 800, 1115, 1315 based on the current bar on the chart.

          Using this new "nBarTime" variable, you can create a simple routine to check if code function is allowed or not... like this...

          var Allowed2Operate = ((nBarTime >= 630) && (nBarTime <= 1315));

          This will check to see if the current bar time is between 6:30AM and 13:15PM. If so, then it will return TRUE.

          So all you have to do is then use this "conditional" value in the MAIN portion of your code... like this...

          if (Allowed2Operate) {
          // do whatever in here

          Hope this helps.
          Probably the idea is ok. Maybe I need to do the same logic but more on day, month not time.
          Since with time it will still keep updating the line if I'm looking at it during market hours. Which will be within the time range.

          Thank you going to give it a try.


          • #6
            You would need to make changes in the logic regardless of whether you use the drawXxxAbsolute() or drawXxxRelative() functions.
            Using the drawXxxRelative() is probably simpler to implement but it can be done just the same using the drawXxxAbsolute() functions
            Enclosed below is my revision of your script which should be working correctly ie the graphic objects should not shift as new bars are being added in real time [and without the need to prevent the script from running within the RTH session]. Comments indicate which lines of code I modified

            PHP Code:
            function preMain() {
            setStudyTitle("Trades Plot");

            Index null;
            BeginIndex null;
            cntr 0;
            cntr2 0;
            vDay null;
            vMonth null;

            main() {
            vTime = new Date();
            vTime getValue("Time"0);
            vDay vTime.getDate();
            vMonth vTime.getMonth() + 1;

            Index getCurrentBarCount();//modified by ACM

            BarHr getHour();
            BarMin getMinute();
            BarSec getSecond();
            CurrentTime BarHr 10000 BarMin 100 BarSec 1;

            GoLong(7239540095600956.00957.00); // 95537 95609 1
            GoLong(723110000110200968.50969.50); // 110121 110342 1
            GoLong(723111000111400970.50972.00); // 111113 111419 1.5
            GoShort(727101200101400974.50972.25); // 101204 101429 2.25
            GoShort(727103000104800971.25970.25); // 103002 104832 1
            GoLong(727110000111000971.25971.75); // 110111 111102 .5
            GoShort(728100200101600974.50970.50); // 100329 101606 4
            GoShort(7299500095600969.75969.00); // 95147 95609 .75
            GoLong(7309520095400984.25987.25); // 95204 95512 3
            GoLong(730103800103800993.00993.50); // 103800 103815 .5
            return null;

            GoLong(LongMonthLongDayLongEntryTimeLongExitTimeLongEntryPriceLongExitPrice) {
                if (
            vMonth == LongMonth && vDay == LongDay) {

                    if (
            CurrentTime == LongEntryTime) {
            BeginIndex Index;
            cntr2 += 1;
            drawShapeRelative(-1LongEntryPriceShape.RIGHTARROWnullColor.blueShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOP"ShapeA"+cntr2);//modified by ACM
                    if (
            CurrentTime == LongExitTime) {
            cntr += 1;
                        if (
            LongEntryTime == LongExitTime) {  // draw line if trade happen in the same bar
            drawLineRelative("LineA" cntr);//modified by ACM
            cntr += 1;
            drawLineRelative("LineB" cntr);//modified by ACM
            } else {
            drawLineRelative("LineC" cntr);//modified by ACM
            cntr2 += 1;
            drawShapeRelative(1LongExitPriceShape.LEFTARROWnullColor.blueShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOP"ShapeB"+cntr2);//modified by ACM


            GoShort(ShortMonthShortDayShortEntryTimeShortExitTimeShortEntryPriceShortExitPrice) {
                if (
            vMonth == ShortMonth && vDay == ShortDay) {

                    if (
            CurrentTime == ShortEntryTime) {
            BeginIndex Index;
            cntr2 += 1;
            drawShapeRelative(-1ShortEntryPriceShape.RIGHTARROWnullColor.yellowShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOP"ShapeC"+cntr2);//modified by ACM
                    if (
            CurrentTime == ShortExitTime) {
            cntr += 1;

                        if (
            ShortEntryTime == ShortExitTime) { 
            drawLineRelative("LineD" cntr);//modified by ACM
            cntr += 1;
            drawLineRelative("LineE" cntr);//modified by ACM
            } else {
            drawLineRelative(BeginIndex-IndexShortEntryPrice0ShortExitPricePS_SOLID2Color.yellow"LineF" cntr);//modified by ACM
            cntr2 += 1;
            drawShapeRelative(1ShortExitPriceShape.LEFTARROWnullColor.yellowShape.LEFT Shape.ONTOP"ShapeD"+cntr2);//modified by ACM



            • #7
              Great it work ACM. Don't know exactly how the logic is. But time to move on, to reading the file and convert it to the GoLong and GoShort.

              Thank you again ACM and Doji3333



              • #8
                You are welcome and I am glad to hear it is working now

                Originally posted by tonhar
                Great it work ACM. Don't know exactly how the logic is. But time to move on, to reading the file and convert it to the GoLong and GoShort.

                Thank you again ACM and Doji3333


